Monday 100719

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
For time:
800 meter run
80 sit ups
800 meter run

Post time to comments/LogWod.

The rope climb wall.

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14 Responses to "Monday 100719"

  1. BC Says:
  2. Jess, the girls and I were glued to the computer all weekend, esp on Sunday. The Magnificent 7 were just that - magnificent! You all turned in some amazing performances and did a great job representing CFO. We're all so proud of each and every one of you and I couldn't be prouder to call CFO my home. Great job, travel safe and enjoy those adult beverages, you earned them!

    On a slightly related matter, what's the over-under on how long it will be before we have sandbags at the gym, 3 weeks?
  3. BigD Says:
  4. BC, I give it two weeks.
    Like he said, all of you guys were amazing this weekend. It was inspiring watching the team and Stacie kicking ass.
    My hat's off to you.
  5. paul Says:
  6. Well said, BC! CFO kicked made itself felt at the games, as it has done every year. You guys continue to be inspiring athletes!

    9:13 this morning. That 2nd 800 really got me. Awesome work, 6am!
  7. Hilg Says:
  8. Dito BC's Comments.....wishing I was there! Hoping TBS or ESPN picks this up in the coming years!

    9:49 this morning....wish I had a longer stride! ;-) Got a good kick at the end and felt good.

  9. Shelley Says:
  10. Well said BC!! You're all amazing athletes and it definitely showed this past weekend!!

    10:36 this a.m. I took couple seconds rest after 50 situps before finishing the rest.

    Great job 6 a.m.!
  11. Pastor Justin Says:
  12. Ditto!

    I was glued to the computer all weekend!

    I was even streaming it live on my iPhone in the bathroom at work and at church on sunday morning, haha!

    You guys did great! I am very proud to be a part of CFO!!

    Ricky, how's the shoulder?
  13. Eric C Says:
  14. Awesome job CFO! (Way to Cowboy up at the end Ricky) What a great experience for all of you guys!

    9:01 this am. Way to kill it Gabe!
  15. Paula Says:
  16. Great job CFO!!! Way to represent! I as well was glued to the computer all weekend....screaming and jumping around! I can only imagine what the atmosphere was like at the Home Depot center.
  17. GregP Says:
  18. didn't get anything but watching the games done this weekend. Great Job CFO.

    Time for some new equipment? Walls, taller rope climb, sand bags??

    I liked the time to work on BW stuff this morning.

    11:43. Good work 6AM. Glad to be back for awhile.
  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. Day Two...

    Work up to a Push Press 2RM Quickly
    154, 185, 204, 214, 224, 230X1

    Lat Pulldown... Trying to see if I can reprogram my lats to actually fire right away on pull ups instead of just arming it up (Sets of 10)
    GH Negatives on Squat Rack X5 (5secs)

    Still trying to stay on the heavy end...
    1 Tire Flip (750)
    1 Tire Flip (500)
    5 Double Push Up Burpee Fence Jumps
    (10 Jumps and 10 Push Ups Total)
    5 RDS
  21. BigD Says:
  22. 11:38 on the WOD at noon. The runs felt good and only one 3 second pause at situp # 70. Liked working the BW stuff too. Was inches from my first muscle up. Damn! Next time.
    After watching Ricky man up and power through with a torn shoulder, I don't think I'll ever complain about a little tweak in my back or shoulder, or pec, or any body part during a workout.
    I agree with BrianH. I hope ESPN gives CF some love in the future. Maybe a little blurb in the Top 10plays of the Day or something. I'm pretty sure they got sick of all the emails I sent them the last few weeks. But, we keep pushing for it, who knows...
  23. BC Says:
  24. 10:36 rx'd. During the 15min of gymnastics work I worked on hspu's and I'm now doing them w/ only 1 abmat. Also worked on regaining muscle ups (had them once upon a time but I lost them) and I'm getting really close again. Finally threw in a few rope climbs including a couple with no legs (a lot easier than 20 feet). Nice day at the. Nice work 5:30 crew.
  25. JimmyG Says:
  26. 11:09 today. Running is my nemesis, but I'm working on it for real these days...not too much though (don't worry Rick).

    Great to see everyone at the 5:30 class. It's been a while since I actually worked out in a group instead of just lurking.
  27. Kat Says:
  28. 9:09 for the run/situp wod.
    I liked the wod! Short and sweet! I worked on hspu's, got a few with the abmat with greens on each side (I'm a panzy ass and don't like my head crashing to the floor)Tried muscle ups...tried is the keyword....another skill day perhaps Ricky???
    Great job 5:30!

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