Monday 100705

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
"DB Fran"
21-15-9 rep rounds for time of:
DB Thruster, 45#/30#
Pull ups

These are not chest to bar pull ups but pull ups done as fast as you can. There is a 10 minute cut-off for this workout.

Post time to comments/LogWod.

CrossFit Games competitors: Monday, July 5th, 2010

The first CrossFit games in 2007. A lot has changed since then.

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6 Responses to "Monday 100705"

  1. paul Says:
  2. Excellent work, noon class! You guys put me to shame!

    7:25. ouch.
  3. Shelley Says:
  4. 6:30 Rx'd.

    1st set and 3rd set of thrusters unbroken; 2nd set broke up once

    PU's 1st set 11, 9, and 1
    2nd set 5,5,4,1
    3rd set 5,3,1

    Felt good for the most part, but I was disappointed in missing the last pullup of every set and having to drop and get back up for 1 more.

    Last time I did Fran was at end of January, but I used purple bands for PU's and barbell for thrusters. That time was 6:25 so I'm happy with today's because it's harder WOD with DB's than barbell (I think) and I didn't use a band. I shouldn't have used a band back in January either......

    Good work nooners!!
  5. Pastor Justin Says:
  6. 5:03 rx'd

    This was just ugly. I was all over the place on my thrusters and missed a few pull ups for not getting my chin above the bar.

    I went to the parking lot and lost my breakfast 3x's.

    Ps. Way to go Greg!! You were crushing it right beside me and that helped me push through!!
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. Just using my opening weights til the Comp on Saturday...
    Snatch Opener - 209#
    Clean and Jerk Opener - 258#

    Worked up to 90% of both
    - Snatch - 110, 154 - Doubles
    165, 175, 185, 190 - Singles
    - Clean and Jerk - 154, 198 - Doubles
    218, 228, 238 - Singles

    Front Squat - 3x2 - Speed
    154, 185, 205

    Quick Metcon
    AMRAP in 5 mins
    5 HSPUs
    10 CTB PU
    20 DU's
    - Hit 5 RDS in 4:42
  9. Eric C Says:
  10. 5:38 rx'd

    Thrusters: 21, 7+8, 5+4
    Pullups: 15+6, 9+6, 9

    Rest breaks were tooooo long.

    Justin, I was really, really close to getting sick.... and I still feel like CRAP!

    Good nooner group today!
  11. BigD Says:
  12. Did the strength training tonight.
    Squat 3 sets of 5 w/ 294
    Bench 3 sets of 5 w/218
    Then tire flip/pullup WOD after
    Was supposed to be 15/12/9 on both but if you broke up PU's, had to stop and go back to tire flips. Got all the flips but PUs were 10/12/6.
    Time for bed. For anyone on the fence about signing up for the Strength class, it is well worth it.

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