Tuesday 100629

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
For time and in any order or broken up however of:
100 Ball Slams, 20#/16#
100 Stick Jumps

For the stick jumps, stack 2 sets of 4 red plates or anything that high (4 blue plates for the ladies) and place a pvc pipe across it. This is the height you will jump over. Feet must leave the ground at the same time and land on the opposite side at the same time.

There is an 8 minute cut-off to this workout. For a refresher on ball slams, take a look at the video below.

Post time to comments/LogWod.

CrossFit Games competitors: Tuesday, June 29th, 2010

Ball Slams, courtesy of

CFO Affiliate Throwdown - Sat., July 10th

The gym is hosting a competition on July 10th. It is free of charge to all CFO members and everyone is encouraged to do so. It is funny how the word competition brings up fear in a lot of you. It is really nothing more than a Saturday of three workouts. The times are WOD#1 at 10AM, WOD#2 at 11:15AM, and WOD#3 at 2PM. This is tentative and may change.

You can't use the excuse of not being able to make all three because if you can even make one workout, you need to sign up. It will be a lot of fun.

I have sent out invitations to all affiliates within a three hour radius to join us. I am not sure if any will show up but the invitations have been sent out.

If you are still unsure of whether you want to do it or not, there are two divisions: a novice division and an open division. The novice division will not contain muscle-ups or handstand push ups and scaling will be allowed. On the other hand, the open division is anything goes and no scaling is allowed.

There is a sign up sheet posted on the whiteboard in the gym and/or you can email us your interest to

This event is open to any and all. You don't have to be a member of CrossFit Omaha, you don't even have to live in Omaha. You just have to want to have fun. The price for non-members is $10.

I will be calling you out specifically during classes in front of everyone to ask you if you will sign up or not. I suggest you just sign up and avoid the embarrassment. IT WILL BE FUN.......

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12 Responses to "Tuesday 100629"

  1. Jess Says:
  2. DNF-I had 14 ball slams left.

    Great job 6am peeps!!!
  3. Eric C Says:
  4. 7 am - Mainsite WOD *modified* 5 ROUNDS OF: 2 1.5 pood KB overhead carry 40m, 30 Wall Balls, 2 1.5 pood farmers walk 40m.


    Good times 7 am!
  5. Kylie Says:
  6. Hey! I'll be in Omaha the 9th-11th. Crazy...
  7. Addi Says:
  8. KYLIE!! You should do the competition on the 10th. Also, could you bring back your CrockPot? Our (actually kind of clean right now) kitchen feels empty without it. Too much free counter space. I don't know what to do with myself.
  9. Addi Says:
  10. 7x5 kipping HSPU - all but 1 set was unbroken, which I'm thrilled with.

    close-grip bench press - 120 x 5, 125 x 5 - the narrow grip felt awkward, but that lest set felt pretty good.

    5:51 on the carry/sprint WOD

    5:02 on the stick jumps/ball slams - Really should have had that under 5:00. I wasted a good 10-15 seconds throughout that one. Felt great, though.

    Now, to eat my body-weight in beef and avocados.
  11. Allison H :) Says:
  12. emmmm avacados are delish!
    First of all sat july 10th is the day after our wedding so we won't be making it to this throwdown.
    went to 4:30, had to use a 12# ball since all the 16s were gone, rxd jumps - 7:06 went fast. did 10/10 until 100 each.
  13. BC Says:
  14. 5:49 rx'd, started with jumps and did 14-13-12...of each. Very happy with that time. 5:30 crew was small but mighty tonight, nice job.
  15. ZachR Says:
  16. 4:34 rx'd

    70 consecutive stick jumps
    60 consecutive ball slams
    30 jumps (13,7,10)
    40 consecutive ball slams

    I thought my right bicep was going to explode!

    Good work 5:30 class
  17. Kylie Says:
  18. Addi, I think that I will compete. but only to socialize. However, the crock pot stays with me. i need to make chili. therefore, i need the crock pot. and kudos on the handstand push-ups. i also officially did a few last week for the first time!
  19. Addi Says:
  20. Competitive socializing. I like it.
  21. Unknown Says:
  22. 7.08 Scaled...had to use 12 lb ball b/c 16 lbs were all gone. Lowered bar to 2 blues and and green.
  23. Kat Says:
  24. 6:54ish rx'd . I turned and looked at the clock when I landed safely on the last jump. Broke it up 10/10 for 10 rounds. Those jumps were tougher than I thought they would be!
    Nice work Crystal! You flew through that wod!

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