Monday 100628

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
6 Squat Clean Thrusters, 154#/104#
12 Kettle Bell Swings, 2 pood/1.5 pood
18 Push ups

The picture below is of Eric Jarecki along with three of his children. At the time of his death, his wife was pregnant with their fourth child. As I have mentioned, he was a stand up guy who loved to do CrossFit. Please help us pay respects by doing his workout.

Thank you so very much in advance.

Post only completed rounds to comments/LogWod.

CrossFit Games competitors: Monday, June 28th, 2010

Eric Jarecki

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13 Responses to "Monday 100628"

  1. BigD Says:
  2. 4 rnds + 2 squat clean presses. Amanda had me scale to 132 on the cleans, which I am thankful for as going RX'd would have looked uglier then sin and probably would've got me injured. Felt right doing this one at 6 AM.
    I apologize in advance to the 7:30 pm strength class if I reek of IcyHot this evening.
    Awesome job 6AM!
  3. paul Says:
  4. I should've gone at 6 in Eric's memory. But it was good to work out with the 7am crew. 5 rds even. OUCH! This was my lower back's worst nightmare. Oh well, it's a nice change from simply not being able to breathe.
  5. Eric C Says:
  6. If you have joined the gym in the last 2-3 months and are struggling, you will improve. Last year (my first month of CF) we did the WOD and I couldn't even do a single 154# squat clean thruster. This year 4 rounds + 5 sct Rx'd.

    I pray for Eric's family.
  7. Jess Says:
  8. It felt great to be back at 6am and what a great WOD to come back too.

    4 rounds + 3 sct @53#, 1 pood and pushups on my knees

    Great job 6 am crew!!!
  9. Addi Says:
  10. OHS 3RM - 132# - Maybe could have gotten a little more, but my right wrist was about to blow, and it's a 12# PR. So I called it good.

    Strict pullup/pistol squats - didn't really time. Had to scale the sh*t out of my right leg squats. The left leg did okay - today was the first time I've been able to do them. Pullups went better than usual.

    Hope to be back tonight for Eric. (If my right knee promises to behave.)
  11. Unknown Says:
  12. Last heavy snatch day before the meet...

    Snatch (90-95%)(198-209)
    - Missed a bunch... Took four tries to get 209 for two singles...

    Snatch Pulls (110%) 4X1 (243#)

    Rope Climb X1
    Muscle Ups X3
    GH Sit Ups X10
    4 RDS
  13. Allison H :) Says:
  14. 3rd completed. with 6 sct and 9 kbs in 4th rd when time called.
    77#, 1 pood
    this heat is killing me! it's hot!!!!!!!!! and our air conditioner is out at home!!! i'm still sweating!!!!
  15. Paula Says:
  16. Did strength class at 3:30-
    Squats- 5 reps @ 130#, 3reps @ 152#, 3 @ 162#
    Bench press- 5 reps @ 115#, 3 @ 130#, 1 @ 140#

    Then Jess J. and I decided to stay and do "Eric".
    We started second guessing our decision right before we started, but it was too late to walk out. Ha! Ha!!

    Just barely completed 4 rds...finished the pushups with just 4 sec left. Did 99# ( should have gone rx'd) and used 1.5 pood. I surprised myself....I thought I'd just get a few rounds.

    Great job 4:30!!!!
  17. Shelley Says:
  18. 4 pushups short of 5 rounds Rx'd.

    I looked back on what I did last year when I'd been crossfitting for about 2 months and it was 4 rounds plus 4 pushups but the thrusters were 68#.

    Did strength class afterwards:

    3x5 power clean at 131#; still need to work on full extension and the elbows...

    3x5 press at 64#; I am weak. Last week I could do all at 69#; this time, I started at 74# and dropped to 64#.
  19. BC Says:
  20. 4 rd's plus 3 SCT. SCT were scaled to 110#, 2 pood for the swings. My first full regular class in a month and half due to strength class and I could definitely tell. I may be a little bit stronger but my conditioning is in the crapper, but hopefully it'll bounce back quick. Nice to be at in the 5:30 class too.
  21. Donohoe Says:
  22. I did Eric workout and finished 5 rounds with RX weights I modified the thrusters to behind the neck.
    I think Eric would have liked this work out. Nice job everyone it was a challenge.
    Donohoe is out....
  23. Crystal Says:
  24. Nice job 6:30.

    3rnds +6 SCT's +12 KBS +5 PU's. used 77# on thrusters & 1.5 pood for KBS.

    looked back on last year and did exactly the same rounds and reps, less one push-up this year. I actually used more on thrusters last year (82#) but only used a 1 pood and push-ups from knees. although i used 77# on thrusters this year i was able to use the 1.5pood and no knees for push-ups.
  25. Kat Says:
  26. 5 rounds rx'd.

    I finished the 5th round with about 8 seconds on the clock and decided laying on the ground was way better than getting 1 more CST...
    Great job everyone!

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