Sunday 100627

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Rest Day

Danielle is in Italy with her husband JB and from the looks of it, not missing any workouts. Here she is at Cross Gym/CrossFit Italia posing in a handstand.

Two event reminders coming up soon:

1. We need to fill up the gym on Monday for the Eric Jarecki Memorial workout. We created and named a workout after him when we heard of the accident. He meant that much to us. He was a special guy. A good friend. A consistent 6am'er. Loved to move big weights. Didn't care to run much. Haha, a classic crossfitter he was.

We are going to be doing his workout on Monday during all classes, even 7AM in remembrance. Please join us.

2. We are holding a competition in the gym on July 10th. We want everyone to participate. An email will be going out later this week. There will be three workouts, one at 10AM, one at 11:15AM, and the last at 2PM. Come do them all or come do one but come.

There are two divisions so you can't make any excuses. Even if you have only been with us for 1 week, you are encouraged to try this out as there will be others who have only been doing CrossFit for a short time, competing. It will be fun.

The two divisions are novice and open. The novice division will not include muscle-ups or handstand push ups and the workouts can be scaled. The open division will be anything goes and no scaling allowed. It is all in good fun.

Don't be afraid just because you see the word competition. It really is just like any other day you come but only with two more workouts in the same day. There is a sign up sheet in the gym.

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1 Response to "Sunday 100627"

  1. Tovar Says:
  2. The Tovars had a great time at the BBQ! Thanks to Kyle, Macy, and Macy's parents for having us out.

Thanks For Visiting!