Saturday 100529

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
AMRAP in 20 minutes of:
5 Pull ups
10 Push ups
15 Air Squats

If you are using a band for either push up or pull ups, your workout becomes AMRAP in 15 minutes.

10AM - Dead-lift 1x5/Open Gym

Post rounds completed to comments/LogWod.

Hmmmm.......... Not sure what is going on.

Bidding on silent auction and the ability to buy raffle tickets ends right at 12PM today. Don't be left out.

Paleo challenge meeting is at 12PM. Expect to be there for hopefully only an hour and a half at the most. If you didn't make the one on Thursday, you must make this one or you will not be allowed into the challenge.

Also, if you haven't already signed up for our Yahoo group, please do that soon. I have already sent out a group message and you don't want to miss out on important information.

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4 Responses to "Saturday 100529"

  1. paul Says:
  2. I attempted a version of "cindabel" but DNF'ed.

    15 hang squat snatches (98)
    5 rds of cindy
    15 HSS
    5 rds of cindy
    15 HSS

    quit at 21 with 15 HSS to go.
  3. Gdawg Says:
  4. only those that particiapted in room 418 festivities will ever know what's going on in that pic :-) LOL!! good times!
  5. Gdawg Says:
  6. only those that particiapted in room 418 festivities will ever know what's going on in that pic :-) LOL!! good times!
  7. Kat Says:
  8. MEGAN GUTHMILLER!!! You are not allowed to give Ricky any more of our private pictures!

    That was a killer night tho....bahahahahahaha

Thanks For Visiting!