Rest Day
This will be the last weekend with 8AM, 9AM, and 10AM classes.
Final Workout, Affiliate Teams - North Central CrossFit Games Regional Qualifier
Keep checking back to the Nutrisimple Blog as I will be putting up pictures every few hours from those that took part in the Paleo challenge. We have gotten crazy good results and I am just happy for everyone.
I have yet to receive pictures from everyone and I am sure there are some that do not want their pictures shown on the blog. That is cool with me and your right. Those that do not mind need to let me know one more time through the comments here. I just don't want to post pictures accidentally from those that don't want them seen.
Keep checking the blog for more results.
The next challenge will start June 1st and I expect more from the gym to enter and change their lives forever. My sister and her husband have started eating primal and they are seeing results. My sister has been trying to have a baby for a few years now and I believe it is only a matter of time before that happens. My brother in law has non-alcoholic liver disease and it is slowly going away by eating paleo. The doctors are amazed.
Eating primal will change your life if you give it a chance. A real chance. You can't give it 50 or 60%. You have one life, it's not a dress rehearsal, to be the best you can be. I think you should bring it. Suck it up and do something good for yourself.
Plus, if you do the next challenge and win, it'll be for a couple hundred dollars, as this one's for money.
JUNE 1ST. Be ready to bring it.
I have yet to receive pictures from everyone and I am sure there are some that do not want their pictures shown on the blog. That is cool with me and your right. Those that do not mind need to let me know one more time through the comments here. I just don't want to post pictures accidentally from those that don't want them seen.
Keep checking the blog for more results.
The next challenge will start June 1st and I expect more from the gym to enter and change their lives forever. My sister and her husband have started eating primal and they are seeing results. My sister has been trying to have a baby for a few years now and I believe it is only a matter of time before that happens. My brother in law has non-alcoholic liver disease and it is slowly going away by eating paleo. The doctors are amazed.
Eating primal will change your life if you give it a chance. A real chance. You can't give it 50 or 60%. You have one life, it's not a dress rehearsal, to be the best you can be. I think you should bring it. Suck it up and do something good for yourself.
Plus, if you do the next challenge and win, it'll be for a couple hundred dollars, as this one's for money.
JUNE 1ST. Be ready to bring it.
I was not happy with snatch WOD yesterday as I didn't go Rx'd on snatch and still DNF'd. I started at Rx'd but it wasn't happening for me. Ring dips were slow and I stayed and worked on those afterwards to get better with the kip so I could do 2 or 3 at a time instead of all 1's. Thanks for the help/tips on these Greg Mo and Paul.