Friday 100507

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
12-9-6-3 rep rounds for time of:
132#/87# Hang Power Snatch
Ring Dips

This snatch variation is from the hang position (you must stand all the way up with the bar before initiating the snatch) and does not require a squat.

The scaled weights are 110#/77#, 88#/65#, or 65#/33# only.

For the ring dips, if you do not have ring dips without assistance, you will scale the movement to push ups and increase the reps two-fold (24-18-12-6 reps).

After the workout, those that did push ups will get an opportunity to work dips on the rings, with assistance, for 10 minutes with help from a coach.

Megan G. 18:42, Paul Audi 9:40, Ricky F. 5:03, Kat A. 9:14. Post time to comments.

Video of North Central CrossFit Games Regional Qualifier, filmed (for the most part) and edited by Greg Mo.

Starting on Monday, May 10th, we will be moving forward with new programming. This new programming will not be much different from what we are doing now other than the fact that it will, hopefully, provide a better training environment and experience for all involved.

This new programming will allow us coaches to provide a more thorough teaching of each movement within strength days and/or met-cons. It will also provide you with a little more of what you want. What does this mean?

It means that if you really like met-cons, you will get them. It means that if you like strength, you will get strength days. Both equally. It also means that, logistically, we can provide an awesome experience for both newbies and vets alike.

The key word for our staff is organization. We want to know how we are going to attack classes and this new programming will allow us to do that. The one big change, for a while anyways, will be rest days. These will fall on Thursdays and Sundays only (gym will not be open on Sundays).

On the Thursday rest day, we will run classes as both a strength day and open gym. This means that coaches will provide instruction on squat and press only, every Thursday. You are free to make up anything you wish on this day but will get no instruction.

The other change will be to Saturday's. We have had extremely poor attendance on Saturday which has led us to alter classes a bit. We will now only have two classes. One at 9AM and one at 10AM. This is only temporary. You the members have a say in how Saturdays are ran and lately, you have spoken that you do not care for an 8AM class.

The 9AM class will be regular programming while the 10AM class will be split into strength and open gym, similar to Thursday. Coaches will instruct on dead-lift and bench press but the other half of the gym is open for you to do whatever you like but without instruction.

Regular programming will not take into consideration the Thursday rest day and Saturday at 10AM strength workouts. If you choose to squat on Thursday, the workout may be Squat again, on Friday.

This is a lot of information and if you have any questions, please feel free to ask on the comments and I will answer. It will all become more clear as the weeks pass. I encourage you to sign up for classes so that we know who is coming to what class. This will help coaches prepare for classes better. Remember that this programming is only temporary. It may only last as little as two weeks or it may evolve further.

Thanks for your cooperation and remember that attendance, or lack thereof, speaks volumes as to how the gym is operated.

Post thoughts to comments.

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28 Responses to "Friday 100507"

  1. Gdawg Says:
  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
  3. Paula Says:
  4. 6:55 with 63# snatches...felt I maybe could have gone up, but 77# may have been too heavy...still working on technique- then did pushups instead of dips. Worked on ring dips with tan band after the wod...5 reps at a time.

    Great job 5am'ers!!!

    I really like the looks of the new programming!

  5. paul Says:
  6. Way to own this one, 6am!

    I did a variation of yesterday's (wall balls instead of box squat jumps). It kicked my ass! 192 reps.
  7. Eric C Says:
  8. Greg Mo, you are an intense MO-FO! And I love it!

    7:04 Rx'd I can't believe how much better the snatch is now compared to how it was during the team tryouts 6 weeks ago. Then, I barely got 18 in 8 mins. This was 30 in 7 mins. Crazy!

    Good to see Antoniak back. 6am missed you!

    Happy BDay Jonny D!
  9. Eric C Says:
  10. Oh yeah, you guys may notice some extra 'sexiness' around the gym the next month. I have donated my upper lip to charity (mustaches 4 kids) and will be growing a stash for the next month.

    I won't beg for cash on the blog, but I may hit you up in person.

    Today is Day 2.
  11. GregP Says:
  12. The new programing looks interesting. Can't wait to see how it comes together.

    I have attended almost every Saturday 8am class on a workday in the 3/1 schedule. I am sad to see it go away. I didn't think attendance was that poor at that time. The 10am strength class is very enticing and something I really need, but going to class at that time would virtually take the whole morning away from home projects, so I will not be attending either 9 or 10. Any chance you could move it to 8? :)

    10:06 with #88, tried #110, but knew I would not finish with that weight.

    Great to see Paul and John back! 6am is the best !!

  13. Greg MO Says:
  14. Happy Birthday JD!!!
  15. BigD Says:
  16. Happy birthday Jon! I second GregP. Saturday at 8am was the only time that worked for me as my daughter had to get to her tumbling class after that. I understand the business aspect of how the classes have to be set up and will do my best to adapt accordingly, but if there is a chance of an 8am coming back, I'm for it.
    See you guys in two weeks!
    Hopefully I can hit one of the affiliates out here in Cali today. Itching for a WOD...
  17. Crystal Says:
  18. Great video Greg!
  19. Unknown Says:
  20. Greg,

    8 am was not that bad but Saturday as a whole was very poor. Even Sundays had more attendance in one hour than Saturday in 3. It just didn't make sense for Joe and I to make Saturday's anymore than what was needed.

    I will tell you what, if 10am is weak over the next two weekends, I promise you that I will give 8am a shot to survive as the other strength day.

    The new programming or structure of programming will be beneficial to everyone. Plus, its a guranteed 6 days of working out, everyone will know in advance when the strength days are, logwod will probably be a day ahead, and classes should run more smoothly as the coaches will know the whole week ahead in advance.

    New paleo challenge will start June 1st. This time its for money. The rules will be tightened up a bit because of this. Be on the lookout for more info coming soon. Also, be checking out the Nutrisimple blog for last paleo challenge results. They are phenomenal.
  21. Danielle Ostronic Says:
  22. Happy Birthday JON DAY!!!!
  23. Rita Says:
  24. I LOVED this morning's wod. They are both weaknesses of mine, but I think the snatch is so beautiful when done well and I want to do it well.

    I happen to love the rings for some reason and get really excited for them, so getting better at these just sounds like fun.

    I did the snatch with the bar only because I struggle with the technique: bending my elbows. Today went really well with technique and I extended. So excited.

    Pushups for the dips - getting stronger - great! Broke into groups of 6.

    Ring dips: I was able to keep ring close to body when Amanda had us start with practicing that. Then did 4 sets of 5 negatives. Then used blue band for a couple sets of 5. Then tan band for a couple sets of 5.

    Jon Day: Happy Birthday. From one of "your ladies!!!!!" (Paula is the other one) HA! Have a terrific day. I wish you many more happy years.
  25. Kat Says:
  26. Did the metcon in 9:14. I'm so happy that my shoulder is almost 100%! The snatches felt good at 87# and that is the most weight i've done since feb! Dips felt good, I got 5 in a row then it dropped to 3 for awhile then 2.

    Push Jerk I got #158, that is a PR for me! Last last I was in the 140's so i'm super happy with that!

    It was nice working out with you PAUL! Congrats on your PR!!
  27. Shelley Says:
  28. I also liked the 8 a.m. Saturday class time and would love to see it come back. With that being said, I'll be at the 9:00 class tomorrow even though I think it's a rest day.

    Happy Birthday Jon!
  29. Tovar Says:
  30. Happy B-Day Jon Dizzle!
  31. Addi Says:
  32. 7:29

    Dips were what slowed me down the most, but I was able to get mostly 3s, with 2s at the ends of sets, and 1s at the very end of the workout. Progress! Snatches felt pretty good - was able to rep them out at the beginning and the end. A little slop here and there, but not too shabby.
  33. Unknown Says:
  34. 5:22. This is my style of WOD. Ricky claims that I didn't go all the way down on my last three dips...I think he was just kind of crabby
  35. Ricky Frausto Says:
  36. Check out the brand spanking new Dave LeClaire over on the Nutrisimple Blog. In only 7 weeks too.

    Congrats Dave on a job well done.

  37. MeganMcNamara Says:
  38. Hello CFO from The Woodlands, TX!!! I miss Omaha, (can't believe I just said that!) I forgot how HOT it is in Texas!!
    Anyway, CFTW is awesome and I've met a lot of really cool people, it's the only other gym I've been too, but it was strange how similar it was to Omaha, they even have a white dog running around who looks like Gabe, his name is Kona though..weird.. so on the the wod we did today:

    3 x 10 bench press
    Did all three sets at 95lb which is a pretty big improvement for me

    followed by:
    3 rds for time

    200 m run
    50 yd prowler push
    10 push press at 95 lb
    20 DL at 95 lb

    Finished just over 20 min. The 97 degree weather is a LOT different to run in!! Good work though had a blast, that was my first time doing the prowler too. Also have an extremely funny story...

    So background info on the woodlands, I don't really fall into this category, but it's a pretty ritzy city and all the moms up here have fake tatas ( my mom doesn't haha) anyway, all the nooners are mom's and Scott Wells the owner of CFTW has had to come up with a new work out for the noon class because they all have fake boobs and can't do half the stuff!!! haha I was cracking up when he told me that! So it's definitely different, I can't wait to get back up to Omaha's gym :)

  39. Addi Says:
  40. Hey, Paleo Kids...

    Whole9 posted a paleo elevator pitch you might find helpful/interesting.

    Also, nice work, Dave! I noticed you had one of the cleanest food logs over the last 7 weeks, and it's definitely paying off.
  41. Paula Says:
  42. You look awesome, Dave!! Great work!
  43. Unknown Says:
  44. I am looking forward to the new schedule. Will you be posting the Friday WOD early so we can better plan the Thursday workout?
  45. Stacie Says:
  46. Congratulations Joe & Libby!!! I like how it happened Joe. Smooth one :)

    The Tovars
  47. Hilg Says:
  48. Sooo Good to be back in the Gym today.....traveling is killing week I'm out Tuesday - Saturday.

    Anyway, 7:04 today with 110, Went smooth til the 6er and then it was slow going,
  49. Erica Says:
  50. That's crazy Megan, oh how I don't miss that hot humid Texas weather!!! And those women should be able to do everything, the fake boobies are just an excuse!!

    And Happy Birthday Jon!!!!
  51. Allison H :) Says:
  52. congrats joe and libby!!!! that is exciting news!!!! i'm tellin ya 2010 is the year of love! <3
  53. Gina Says:
  54. As a faithful 8am-er(minus rest days) I am sad that class will be gone, but I am flexible. I will be there at 9 next week. I will spend this rest day helping my brother build his fence.

    Today's WOD: 9:?? 63# and push ups.

    Great 6am class!
  55. Addi Says:
  56. Congratulations, Joe and Libby!

    Westerbiases? DeBiasterlins? Help me out, BC.

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