3 rounds for time of:
10 Power Snatches (132#/92#)
30 'Matt Nasties' (total reps, not ea leg)
Courtesy of CrossFit Santa Cruz, 'Matt Nasties' are jumping lunges. While in place, start in a lunge position with your back knee touching the ground. A full rep is when both feet leave the ground and the opposite leg is now in front with the respective back knee on the ground.
Post time to comments/LogWod.

Matt Nasties
Silent auction/Raffle starts today. Bid on some really cool stuff. The auction/raffle lasts till the end of the week with the winners being announced on Sunday. There will be large poster paper on the walls with the items listed and spots for you to write your name and place your bid. There are also minimum bids as well as bidding increments listed.
The raffle has a number of unique items. There will be boxes with what is being raffled written on them. You can place your raffle tickets in any of the boxes with the items you wish to try and win. The prices for tickets are as follows:
1 Ticket = $10
3 Tickets = $25
7 Tickets = $50
The raffle has a number of unique items. There will be boxes with what is being raffled written on them. You can place your raffle tickets in any of the boxes with the items you wish to try and win. The prices for tickets are as follows:
1 Ticket = $10
3 Tickets = $25
7 Tickets = $50
Small group strength training starts today. If you signed up for either of the groups, prepare to begin the journey toward getting stronger. These groups will last approximately 8 weeks with sessions occurring every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at either 3:30PM or 7:30PM.
Please try and make every session as each session is very important in your strength development. Also, you will need a notebook or ledger to keep and track progress from workout to workout.
Please try and make every session as each session is very important in your strength development. Also, you will need a notebook or ledger to keep and track progress from workout to workout.
7:29 rx'd - lots of rest on the nasties. They suck. Or maybe I just suck at them. Either way, we're not friends.
Snatch - Only got 199 last time
110, 154, 175, 185, 195, 199, 204, 209, 214! :)
Clean and Jerk
154, 198, 220, 242, 252, 257 (Miss)
Front Squat - 270 Last Week
135, 225, 250, 265, 275 (Miss) :(
Running Mini Angie?
50 Pull Ups
200m Run
50 Push Ups
200m Run
50 Sit Ups
200m Run
50 Squats
200m Run
** Not Timed since I forgot to grab a stopwatch - Probably a little over 12 mins?
Great job 5am...all four of us!
First class of the Barbell strength class went great! Squats need a lot of work...definitely a weakness. Looking forward to wednesdays class.
8:49 - 53#