5 minutes at each station for max reps:
Rope Climbs (to rafter)
Ring Dips
Row (calories)
Be sure to wear long socks, pants, or both as the rope don't like the skin too much.
As for ring dips, you are allowed to use up to a purple band. If multiple ring dips are not achievable with at least a purple band, push ups are in the stars for you. Touch your shoulders to the rings and lock out the elbows at the top.
Post max reps to comments/logwod.

Is it not funny that at some point in our lives, we did not care one bit how we ate so long as it got in our mouths?
Don't miss out on the stink and drink this Thursday at 5PM. We'll be heading over to Papio Bowl for some fun and sun. Don't miss out. These things are awesome and a great way to meet the gym.
Paleo challenge meetings are this Thursday and Saturday. They are mandatory. Pictures will be taken at this time as well. If you haven't signed up to our yahoo group yet, please do so as soon as possible.
Keep those bids coming people. A big thank you to all that broke the ice with the first bids. Everything is greatly appreciated.
fun WOD! 30 ring dips, 72 cal, 10 climbs. 116 reps.
I thought this was going to be tough on the shoulders, but it was ok!
30 rope climbs
30 Ring Dips ...40 RDs -10 penalty for what I call an 'anatomic anomaly of only 170 degrees of elbow extension'...which is actually big words for 'cheating' :)
71 Cal.
And, yes, I'm saying this because I am jealous.
(If you do not see your name but are interested or see your name but not interested, please let me know soon.)
Megan G
Greg Mo
Eric Clements
Becky M
Randy Fisher
Dave LeClaire
Lindsey H.
Ron J
Bob S
Crystal and I
Lynn Cover
Robert Alexander
Like I said, I will be placing the order at the end of the week.
Once ordered, I will notify everyone of the delivery date and approximate price per bundle.
row 53
rope climbs 4
112 total
rope climbs went better than I expected since I haven't done them in so long, but doing them last sucked since my arms were tired - wish I could count the practice climbs before wod started too! ring dips are okay with purple band but I knew I wouldn't last long on them so elected for pushup option instead. fun stuff!
Jake H and I are getting married July 9th if anyone is interested in coming out to celebrate with us let me know! I could bring in a invite with rsvp sign up ? ? That would probably be easier
I'd like to get in on the order for some more grass fed beef.
28 dips
73 calories
125 total
Climbs felt pretty good - probably paced myself too much on those and on the row. (Why the hell I paced myself on the last thing, I don't know - just waited too long to kick it in at the end.) Dips were hard - I was shooting for 25, so I'm happy with those.
I was really happy with my total, until I realized it was only 10 more than Jake H's ROW. Freak. Of. Nature.
24 Ring dips
57cal Row
9 Climbs
Total: 90
This was a fun WOD. It's the first one I have done since last wednesday. I'm ready to get back on track!
24 Ring dips
76 Cal/Row
Total= 116
I wanted more rope climbs but I kept using my arms instead of legs and I didn't wanna burn out since it was first. Dips were a tuff, I did singles the entire time but I kept it consistant.
Great job everyone!