30 Seconds on/30 Seconds off for 5 minutes of:
Double Unders
30 Seconds on/30 Seconds off for 5 minutes of:
Sit ups
30 Seconds on/30 Seconds off for 5 minutes of:
Double Unders
30 Seconds on/30 Seconds off for 5 minutes of:
Sit ups
Post max reps from each exercise to comments.
Neil, JB, and myself right before NYE. Good times.
via http://crossfitnyc.com/2010/04/tue-apr-20.html
Favorite = "Being thin is an awful goal towards which to strive. It is certainly not the goal of an exercise program. Writing an entire, ostensibly meaningful and important story on whether exercise can make you thin is analogous to wondering whether going to college can get you laid. Yes, but that's not really the point."
Haven't had time to read the actual New Yorker story yet, but this entertained me.
This WOD was right up my alley--thanks for pushing me, Megan!
662 reps (444 DUs, 218 situps)
391 (164 DUs, 227 SUs) reps total.
Good practice on the DUs for me. Great job 6AM!
I loved this WOD but I also love DU's, and like Ricky said this was a great one to do for recovery especially with trying to get 3 work outs in today.
443 DU's and 203 SU's = 646 total
Stayed for the competition training at 715, Did 8 x 2 of snatch clean and I kept it light to work on my form, then did
10-8-6-4-2-2-4-6-8-10 weighted box jumps (30 lbs each hand) and lunges, that was a great one, very tough.
Great job this morning girls and Ricky, we all worked hard!
Snatch: quit after 87# which was 4th set; only did this once so I DNF'd.
Metcon: 14:35 Rx'd; box jumps with 30# DB's in each hand are no joke. The one legged elevated lunges were tough too. I could definitely tell which leg is more dominant.
Great job everyone!!
I was trying hard to keep up with Pete N., but he just wouldn't slow down on the situps. Jerk.
Also, just reread what I wrote this morning - NYT, not New Yorker. There was apparently some sort of disconnect between my brain and my hands. Per usual, I'll blame it on the early morning. :)
This was fun! DU are coming along!
225x5/274x4/290x3/310x2/328x1 not a bad way to finish up.
Well gotta run everyone did a great job at 630 pm.
Donohoe out.
Don't know # of DU's because apparently I can't count. SU's were 205 total.
7:35 WOD:
16:28 Rx'd includes 2 minutes rest time. The SDHP's were slower than they should have been as I had trouble keeping the bar evenly balanced so it wasn't very smooth. The only things I did unbroken all rounds were the wall balls and the rowing.
Back to back metcons wore me out, but I'm glad I got in to do all 3 WODS today.
Great job everyone!
480 total reps Rx'd...that was a toughy!
Task Fight gone bad
17:22 including the rest. The SDHP took me the longest on the last 2 rounds, my shoulders were fried from DU's and I took way too long of rest for it being such a light weight!
Great job everyone!
One out of two..... sucks! ; )
Good job Paul! (...and you too Megan)
Total 641.
I really liked this WOD,