Tuesday 100427

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Back Squat 3RM

You have 20 minutes to find a 3RM in the back squat. Check here or log in to LogWod to see what your last 1RM was. Try to successfully lift at least 92.5% (if not more) of that weight.

followed by,

2 rounds, each for time of:
400 meter run
2 minutes rest

Post squat weight and time from both runs to comments.

Correct anatomical position for the low bar back squat. Notice the imaginary vertical line which the bar and middle of the foot line up. This must occur at all times in order to move weights that you are potentially capable of moving. Also notice the neck is neutral and not extended.

What you don't see but is very important, is the pushing out of the knees. When warming up, pause at the bottom of a squat and take notice of where your knees are at. See if you can't push them out even more than where they are. Try and hold this for the rest of the workout.

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8 Responses to "Tuesday 100427"

  1. Gdawg Says:
  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
  3. Jake Says:
  4. 242# x 3 Ricky pointed out I was moving to quickly (seems to be a habit in several movements), so I need to slow down. I felt like I should have been able to do 264.

    4:40 total for the run. Calves were totally shot on the 2nd run.

    Really good work 6 a.m. Thanks for pushing me Dave!
  5. Paula Says:
  6. 153# x 3- should have tried to go up since my 92.5% is 165#. Then the runs...ugg! Did 6:25(?) with the 2" rest.

    Great job 5am'ers!!!

    Happy Birthday, Brian H.!!!
  7. Crystal Says:
  8. I was doing some Grocery Store shopping online for Castle Rock. Found a Whole Foods about 12 miles north of the Best Western in Castle Rock in Highlands Ranch. I have the address if anyone needs it.

    Can't wait! Only two more days, let's go CFO!
  9. Gdawg Says:
  10. thanks for checking up on that crystal!!! that will help out a lot while we're there!! :-) YAY, just a few more days!!!
  11. BigD Says:
  12. Got 286 x 3 today. Was shooting for the 92.5% of my max, but came up a little shy. Got 88.5%.
    400's beat me up. 5:43 total.
    Awesome work this morning Jake!
  13. Danielle Ostronic Says:
  14. 92.5 % was 163, and I got 3. I didnt go any heavier, but did 10 @77# after for "fun". Run times were 1:27 and 1:33 so 3 minutes total.

    JO you ROCKED it today, congrats!
  15. Bob Sidzyik Says:
  16. 220 x 3

    1st round-1:11
    2nd round-1:20
    Total- 2:31

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