Back Squat (Low or High, your choice)
You have 12 minutes to find your 1RM for the day. Once the time is up, take the number from the highest load you successfully squatted and multiply it by .9. After two minutes of rest, try and complete as many reps unbroken as possible with this weight.
followed by,
Box Jumps x 3 x 5 (exercise x reps x sets)
Start at a certain height and then go up for every set thereafter. You may not use the same height twice. Try and finish with the tallest height possible. Rest a few minutes between sets, whether you feel you need to or not.
Post 1RM and total reps with 90% as well as the highest you jumped for 3 reps to comments.
Melissa Beckmann in London of all places. Lucky, lucky gal.
If you haven't already, sign your team up for the St. Patty's Day WOD. We need this done absolutely no later than March 5th. Teams that don't make the March 5th dead-line will not haves shirts ordered for them.
Money will be due the day of the event along with a minimum of 4 canned goods which will be donated to the Omaha Food Bank.
Money will be due the day of the event along with a minimum of 4 canned goods which will be donated to the Omaha Food Bank.
235# x 2
3 reds and a green for box jump.
Great work today 6 a.m.
209# x 8 reps; got stuck on bottom of 9th rep
24" box plus 2 reds, blue and green on box jumps
Great job Amanda running the class this morning.
I see consecutive box jumps in the near future for Gina. Good job today!
Is the sign-up sheet going to be posted soon for the Niobrara trip in August? Didn't see it on the board.
Box jumps, 24" box w/ 4 reds & 1 green.
Fun wod today. Great job 6am!
SWEET pic Melissa!
See ya'll next week.
323# X1 (New PR by 5#)
290# X 4 (Last one was tough!)
I got to 187, not a PR, but my shoulders were tight from yesterday, and I felt like I was having trouble holding the bar.
New PR on box jumps, 20" box with a yellow plate on top (23"?)
Great class this morning!
I finished by jumping on the wooden stack once.
Donohoe is out....
Box jumps - I have no idea. I think I did the box, red and a green? The fear can be overwhelming.
Finally, at the end of class, I got pullups. A year and 3 months after I began Crossfit, I got pullups. I also promptly lost my grip and fell flat on my ass, but I don't care because I can do a pullup!
Low back squat 158# - up from 131#. Was just about to go up and ran out of time.
Did 15 reps at 142#. Prolly means my 1 RM is low? time...
Box jumps-2 red and 1 green. I'm scared shitless of these things so I'm a little slow about getting the height, but I'm still jumping higher and higher. I'll take it.
Jenni - way to go on your jumps and pullups! I'm thrilled for you!
New PR on the back squat at 134# for me as well. Did 119# for 10 reps.
Box jumps: 20" + 3 reds + 1 green; freaked out with 2 greens.
Thanks for the encouragement today, Rita and Jenni!
Then 24" box with 2 reds, a yellow, and 3 greens. Thanks for the motivation 5:30!
Box jumps I got riser, red and green. Couldnt muster the courage to do the yellow, even after I saw Karen do it. That is why she is going to dominate in Masters!!