Monday 100426

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Rest Day

(photo courtesy of

Athletes entrance to the Home Depot Center tennis stadium. One half of where the 2010 CrossFit Games are being held.

You don't want to miss the games this year. Look into booking your tickets now. It will be a great time for a vacation and to watch some of the best athletes around. The Home Depot Center is in Carson, Ca and is located just south of Los Angeles.

Here is the video on the announcement of the venue. The event is going to rock. Live webcast, beer tent with t.v.'s showing competition, vendors of all sorts, some fierce competition, and of course, L.A.

Visit the games site for more information.

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6 Responses to "Monday 100426"

  1. Shelley Says:
  2. Went in at 6:00 and worked on OHS at the Rx'd weight for the 3rd team WOD.

    Did tabata of 30 seconds work/20 seconds rest for 8 rounds. 63 total reps that ranged between 7-9 each round. I didn't have to rest or drop the bar on any rounds.

    rested a bit then did:
    2 sets of 15 reps with 2 minutes rest in between each set. I was able to do all reps in each set with no resting/dropping of bar.

    These felt really good. I felt like the speed and control was where it should be. It's a great confidence builder, and I feel ready to go!!

    Thanks Amanda and Kylie for watching me as well.
  3. paul Says:
  4. DL 5RM: 418 (PR)

    then 5 rds:
    15 ball slams
    10 GH situps

  5. Blog on Life Says:
  6. FINALLY getting back in today! :o)
  7. Hilg Says:
  8. are a DL animal, dude!

    I attempted Saturday's workout, with Marcus as a WOD partner....thanks, Marcus.

    DNF but was sooooo pumped to get 17 of 18 HSPUs completed. Learned how to kip on the fly! Still bummed I couldn't get the 18th in prior to cutoff....5-6 attempts with lots of sideline support.

    Did my first HSPUs under 3 weeks ago and give all the credit to the Paleo challenge!

  9. Mark Says:
  10. Came in and worked on some front squats: worked up to 198 and did 5 sets of 3 at that weight. Then Joe cooked up a nice little metcon for me:

    3 round of
    300 meter row
    10 pull-ups
    5 mid thigh box jump

    Finished in 5:53.
  11. Gdawg Says:
  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

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