CF Football Grace
For time:
15 Clean and Jerks, 154#/104#
Sprint a Gasser
10 Clean and Jerks
Sprint 1/2 Gasser
5 Clean and Jerks
Sprint 1/4 Gasser
Full gasser is out the third door to the curb and back, twice. Half a gasser is out the third door to the curb and back and a 1/4 gasser is out the third door to the curb. The workout ends at the curb.
Post time to comments.

Team CrossFit Omaha, with a 5th place showing in the suicide run, a 5th place showing in the snatch event, and a 1st place showing in the met-con, is in first place overall after three events. Doing so, they qualify for the fourth and final workout on Sunday afternoon.
They each have brought their own strengths and it has showed. Congratulations guys on a first day job well done.

Greg Petersen and Karen Wattier made history today as competitors in the first ever master's CrossFit competition. I give so much credit to those two for having the cajones to step in and do a wonderful job. It is not easy to suck it up and go in front of people to compete. I commend them for their courage, strength, and will to succeed.
Karen came to us with a cholesterol problem. She didn't want to go to a traditional gym but knew she had to do something about her health. She took a chance with us but little did she know she would be able to lay claim to being one of the first ever to compete in a CrossFit master's event.
Congratulations Greg and Karen, you guys are forever changed. You are athletes. You are CrossFit athletes. Very special people. Thanks for being a part of our gym.
WOD 8:30 Rx'd
And I'll keep an eye out tmrw morning for any other runners in Lincoln. Weather is looking good.
Good luck to all.
You're kicking some ass! Good luck tomorrow! We are cheering hard and loud for you all!
As Rx'd but DNF I was on my last set of C&J's at 10 min cuttoff