Saturday 100424

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Overhead Squat 1RM

You have 12 minutes to find a new 1RM in the overhead squat. Warm-ups are included in the 12 minutes so move fast.

followed by,

3 rounds for time of:
2 times through the triplet (followed by one 400):
3 Handstand Push ups off of DB's (50#/35#)
5 Power Cleans (185#/125#)
7 Chest to Bar Pull ups
400 meter run

Scaled weight for power cleans are 164#/110#, 154#/104#, 132#/93#, and 115#/77#. If you can't do chest to bar pull ups, then do chin over bar pull ups. If you can't do handstand push ups, do seated presses with your back and YOUR BUTT against a wall with 50#/35# dumbbells.

Post oh squat weight and met-con time to comments.

Blake and Lauren Williams. Our two young'ens. Don't be fooled though, they put on a show.

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8 Responses to "Saturday 100424"

  1. BC Says:
  2. Still in Atlanta. Went to BTB Crossfit yesterday. Nice place, really nice people...horrible wod. We did McGhee - AMRAP 30min of 5 DL @ 275#, 13 pushups, 9 24" box jumps. I completed 12 rounds and change using 225# for the DL's. 30min is a long damn time, but it was fun, and a perfect way to end a week that has been full of all-day-long meetings and improvised workouts.
  3. paul Says:
  4. Nice WOD, BC--wish i could've done that one.

    But today's CFO wod was fun too. i finished my last 400 right on the beep. got 4 kipping HSPU from the floor, and other than that I did 35# DB presses. Weak, I know.

    almost hit a PR on OHS--i don't think i made it below parallel, though, with 186#.

    Thanks for the encouragement, Kyle!
  5. Danielle Ostronic Says:
  6. no PR today went from 99 to 109 and probably shouldnt have done that. But such is life. Also DNF on the metcon. I scaled to 99# and used the abmat for the HSPU's. I had 7 pull-ups and the run left when time was called.
  7. Shelley Says:
  8. 2 team WOD's today:

    50 snatches (104# for women)
    50 muscle ups
    50 snatches (104# again)

    800 run afterwards.

    I contributed nothing to this WOD and felt pretty embarrassed and helpless. I failed to get 104# on snatch on every attempt and have yet to be able to do muscleups. The 800 run was the only thing I did (everyone did this after the last snatches were done). Addi, Mike and Neil did a great job of getting all the reps!!

    2nd WOD:
    chipper of:
    75 Power cleans (104# women)
    50 HSPU's
    200 DU's
    60 push presses (35# DB's for women)
    80 pullups
    100 box jumps
    180 air squats
    50 squat clean thrusters (93# for women)
    row 1500 meters
    100 burpees

    I don't remember the guys' weights for the WOD or the exact order of events in the middle.

    time was 21:30 (30 something)

    I got my first HSPU's today (2) and felt much better about this WOD. It felt like we did a good job of passing back and forth and were only inefficient a couple times in overlapping reps between the guys and girls.

    Squat clean thrusters and burpees sucked the most in this WOD.

    Great job Addi, Mike, and Nick!!

    I can't wait to find out what the workouts are for next week.
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. Well there goes all the confidence I had going into regionals... been since and have a major neck strain so I have been able to workout exactly one time in about a week...

    Tried some things today but it all felt heavy and slow :(

    Worked on Snatch (3 Positions)
    Hang Power, Hang Full, Floor Full
    88, 108, 128
    3RM Deadlift in 8 mins
    - Started off feeling ok but didnt finish well
    ** 220, 265, 308, 328, 338- Only 2

    Elevated HSPU X2
    (Hands on 6" boxes with an ab mat between the two)
    CTB Pull Ups X5
    ** 5 mins - 7 RDS
    Thrusters (135#) X5
    Box Jumps X 10 (24") X10
    5RDS - Thrusters felt way heavier than they should have and I ended up breaking up box jumps by round 3
    - 3:10

    Pray for me... haha... Still have a week...
  11. Addi Says:
  12. Enjoyed the team workouts today. I'm really happy with how muscleups have been feeling the last week, but HSPU remain sporadic at best. They will be mine. Oh yes, they will be mine. Awesome work, Shelley, Nick, Neil, and Mike.

    Can't wait for tomorrow - brunch, event release, and potluck. Nice little Sunday. Maybe we'll go to Bed, Bath & Beyond. I don't know if we'll have time...
  13. Gdawg Says:
  14. This comment has been removed by the author.
  15. Crystal Says:
  16. Nice job 10am and nice job to Nick, mike, Addi, Shelly on the noon team wod. It was fun to watch and you did great. Ready for brunch and to see what the wods are going to be.

    109# 1RM max OHS. 5# PR! Would have like to try 114 but time ran out. I really like doing the 1RMs in a 11-15min time rather than a whole class.

    WOD-DNF. Used 109# for clean. Was on round three, got thru 6 c2b (1st set through) when time was called. I liked this wod a lot.

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