"The Lab Test"
With a partner, complete the following couplet for max reps, rotating every 30 seconds for 10 rounds of:
Sumo Dead-lift High Pull
Rx'd = 115#/77#
Scale A = 98#/63#
Scale B = 74#/53#
Person A does thrusters for 30 seconds followed by 30 seconds of thrusters by partner B. Partner A then does sdlhps for 30 seconds, again, followed by partner B doing sdlhps. Repeat this sequence for a total of 10 rounds.
Although this workout is completed in a team format, it is very much so an individual workout. Do what YOU can to achieve the most amount of reps possible within your current abilities.
Post team's total reps and each individual's reps to comments.

This workout comes to us courtesy of Katie Morgan's home gym in Seattle, CrossFit Eastlake. Thanks for the workout guys.
SDLHP: 107
Total: 154 using #53
Great job 6am crew!
3 RM Dead-lift: 306#
Did this with no time to spare (had 8 minutes to find 3 RM). 1 RM is 329#
AMRAP in 12 minutes of
5 thrusters at 93#
10 burpees over DB's
Completed 7 full rounds plus all 5 thrusters of round 8. This was tough. Looked at the clock after rounds 1, 2 and 3 and they were :56, 2:27, and 4:11. Originally I was thinking I could get 10 rounds in.
Great job everyone!!
knowing i wouldnt get to workout today, yesterday i made up a 12 min AMRAP with box jumps, OHS and 200m sprints. this was just me focusing weaknesses as i seem to have a mental block with both box jumps and OHS when running is involved- good leg burner
see you guys tomorrow!
Total score: 104- rx'ed
51 thrusters, 53 SDHP
I really liked this WOD.
No dead lifts allowed at golds so I'll work on thrusters!...maybe
As RX'd
Thrusters - 46
SDHPs - 111
Total 157
Good times.
Nice job 6AM
Oh and I have a request:
Anyone who is planning on coming over to my place on sunday, could they RSVP so I know how many to expect...plates, silverwear, cups, ice ect....or if anyone wants to bring any of the above mentioned, that would be a huge help!
Thanks so much!
My brain shut down after round 5 and I insisted that we were done. Took the full 30 seconds for Ricky to convince me that we still had half the workout left, so I missed a round of thrusters. Suck. At least I wasn't the only one - thanks for joining me in my brain-death, Zack.
Kat - Josh and I will be there. We have some paper cups we can bring.
77 thrusters and 117 sdhp.
wow. we were all heaps and piles of wildly pounding heartbeats, huffin' and puffin' in huge pools of sweat. Except for Jen Shannon who goes outdoors to lift her shirt and cool off li'l Earl in her tummy...great wod.
Great job, 4:30!!!!
Metcon: 7 full rounds of the thrusters/burpees in 12 min