Saturday 100417

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
5 rounds for time of:
15 Push Presses (115#/77#)
30 Air Squats

Use of racks not permitted. There is a 12 minute cut-off for this workout.

Post time to comments.

B.J. Riley doing some sit ups at 5AM.

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6 Responses to "Saturday 100417"

  1. paul Says:
  2. Tougher than expected. 9:02 rx'ed. My traps are destroyed after hang cleans.
  3. Shelley Says:
  4. 7:42 Rx'd.
    Didn't break up any squats and did push press unbroken for first 2 rounds, then 7/8 for last 3 rounds.

    8 rounds of:
    12 DU's (unbroken)
    8 KB swings (1.5)(unbroken)
    3 CTB (unbroken)

    10 minute cutoff; DNF; 1 pullup short of 6 rounds and had 3 penalties for breaking up CTB twice and not getting the 3rd one of round 6 when time was called.

    CTB needs a lot of work, especially on multiple reps.
  5. BC Says:
  6. DNF rx'd, I was 9 squats into the 4th round when time ran out. It's been a rough 4 days in a row and I'm definitely looking forward to resting tomorrow.

    The CrossFit Kids trial today was awesome! My girls had a great time and were showing everyone how they learned to squat. They can't wait to do it again. Great job Joe and crew!

    I'm now off to Atlanta for the next 2 weeks for work, which should make the final 2 weeks of the Paleo challenge interesting. Sounds like I'm about 3 miles from a CF box though, so I've got that in my corner (gtl gdawg). See everyone in Denver!
  7. Addi Says:
  8. 7:57, I think. Squats got crappy real quick, and push press were tough at the end. Still, happy I made it in time. No burpees for me.

    WOD 2 - I think it was 8:50ish?? This hit some of my better strengths, so it felt good - those 1.5 poods felt heavier than I would have liked, though. Only had two faults on the second round of double-unders, so had a short penalty run.

    I had a lot of fun with the CF Kids today - those squat depths were making all the grown-up kids jealous.
  9. Gdawg Says:
  10. BC IM SOOOOO JEALOUS OF YA GOING TO ATL!!! but good luck staying away from all the soul food and hope the gym works well for ya!!!

  11. Danielle Ostronic Says:
  12. DNF Rx'd was in the 5th round on Press, after time was called i just wanted to finish, so I did. That felt really heavy!

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