Hang Power Clean 3RM
You have 20 minutes to find your 3 rep maximum. Once the twenty minutes is up, take 87.5% of this max and complete one set to failure (AMRAP). Failure would be considered if the bar is dropped, put on the floor, or a significant pause between reps occurs.
followed by,
With a continuously running clock, on the beep, every 15 seconds, for 10 minutes (40 total shuttle sprints) complete:
A Pro-Agility Shuttle (5-10-5 yard shuttle)
A pro-agility shuttle is 10 yards in length where the athlete begins dead center, sprints 5 yards in one direction, ten yards to the far opposite line, and then finishes 5 yards through the middle.
The goal is to start and finish all sprints in the allotted 15 seconds. If one of your sprints runs into the next 15 second interval, finish that sprint but rest the remainder of that second 15 seconds. You will now only be able to complete 39 total sprints. And so on.
Post clean 3RM, reps with 87.5%, and total number of sprints completed to comments.

Ryan McGrane working the double unders at 5AM.
Pro-agility was tough, but felt great.
I agree with Paul on the pro-agility.
Way to tear it up 6 a.m.
Thanks Paul and Greg Mo for letting me in on your bar.
This is a 15# PR from just a couple months ago. Completed 40 sprints... didn't think I was going to be able to finish since I suck at running and/or sprinting, but I did. I was a good day! The Paleo diet must be doing its thing!
Awesome work 5am'ers!
Completed all 40 sprints, although that was really tough.
Great job today 6am!
12ft Rope Climb (Had to be up and down in under 8 secs)
** Arms only
One ascent every min on the min for 8 mins - No problems all done between 6 and 8 seconds
2 Sumo DL High Pulls (Touch Neck)
4 Power Snatches (Floor Start)
6 Squat Clean Thrusters (You can only Thruster the weight overhead nothing else)
5 ROUNDS with 135#
--- 7:28
** My version of Olympic hell... this got tough after RD 2!!
Worked 3 sets of 10 kipping toes to bar afterward... Rest Day tomorrow