Saturday 100403

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
UK-Ireland Sectional - Event 2 (modified)
50 Double Unders
3 rounds of (3 GTOH*, 10 Toes to Bar)
40 Double Unders
3 rounds of (2 GTOH*, 7 Toes to Bar)
30 Double Unders
3 rounds of (1 GTOH*, 5 Toes to Bar)

*GTOH = Ground to Overhead Anyhow (Clean and Jerk, Snatch, Pick up and press)

Rx'd weights are: 132#/77#

Post time to comments.


Those that got in on the cowpooling, the drop-off is set for 11AM.

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14 Responses to "Saturday 100403"

  1. BC Says:
  2. 13:13, I did the weight rx'd (137) but had to sub pikes for T2B as my lats are so incredibly sore from 105 pullups on Wed that I can barely lift my arms high enough to get a t-shirt on. Speaking of t-shirts...
  3. Danielle Ostronic Says:
  4. 15:52 rx'd (97).. Got my meat and I am happy :)
  5. BC Says:

    Starting this Monday you will be able to start ordering from CFO's new spring line. Here's what we've got:

    *a Men's/Unisex basic T
    *a Women's T
    *Men's mesh shorts
    *Women's cotton/spandex shorts

    There are 4 tshirt designs available. The shorts will feature the same logo as the sweatpants. The design options will be posted at the gym on Monday, along with the sizes and colors available for both shirts and both shorts - plus samples of the Women's T, the Men's shorts and the Women's shorts (the Men's/Unisex T is the same shirt used for Beer and Burpees).

    Some women (and maybe some dudes, I'm not here to judge) have also inquired about sports bras. Here's the deal with those - due to individual preferences, you can actually bring in a new sports bra of your choice and it will be printed with the CFO design (similar to the tank tops). The cost will be about $8. We are only doing this for sports bras, do not bring in wife beaters, banana hammocks, jock straps or anything else to get customized. Buy a bedazzler if you want to get freaky.

    PLEASE NOTE: In order to make sure we have items in time for Regionals, this first order will be turned in FRIDAY APRIL 9TH. Additional orders will be taken after the 9th but we have to allow extra time due to little league baseball teams ordering their uniforms now.

    Be on the look out on Monday!
  7. Fish Says:
  8. BC, can you post the stuff on line, Chris and I will be out of town until the 12th and would like to get in on the 1st order. Thanks Fish
  9. paul Says:
  10. I did some bench press (3x5 at 185#), and then

    5 rds
    10 walking lunges (40# DBs)
    5 dips

  11. Addi Says:
  12. 11:33 rx'd

    This was a fun one - my IT bands and quads are wrecked, and this loosened them up just a little. Kipping the toes to bar didn't hurt my puncture wound like I was worried it might - it's healing up nicely!
  13. Gdawg Says:
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  15. Gdawg Says:
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  17. Gdawg Says:
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  19. Gdawg Says:
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  21. Gdawg Says:
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  23. Gdawg Says:
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  25. Anonymous Says:
  26. Just messed around with some skill work and new approaches to things...

    Deadlift... Just worked on adjusting my starting position... Hips to low on the start...

    Rope Climbs... Experimented with a different and faster foot lock on the rope... I sucked at it but if I can get rope climbing will be twice as fast... about 10 ascents

    Muscle Ups - Have done 20 for time a few times and decided to give it a go...
    Got 10 the first minute then started to lose my false grip...
    Old PR was 4:02... Got 3:25 but I missed 5 reps so I should have broken 3 mins... Overall Not bad

    500m Row Test... Gotten 1:28.something a bunch of times...
    Got 127.5! FINALLY! but I died the last 100m...

    Some running at Burke HS tonight and I'm off tomorrow...

    Happy Easter Everyone!
  27. BigD Says:
  28. DNF. Got to the last round of DUs when time was called. Damn you double-unders!!!
    But they are getting easier. Thanks for the help on rope selection Kylie.
    Started off my spring grilling right with a .9 lb sirloin steak from part of my cowpooling meat. This stuff is awesome!

Thanks For Visiting!