For time:
400 meter run
15 Dead-lifts
400 meter run
12 Hang Power Cleans
400 meter run
9 Front Squats
400 meter run
6 Push Jerks (can not use any other way to get overhead)
Rx'd weights are: 176#/115#
If you must scale the weights, you may only choose from the following:
#1 - 154#/104#
#2 - 132#/92#
#3 - 115#/77#
#4 and new - 98#/63#
Post time to comments.

Click on the above image to get a better view. We had these shirts made last year for regional competition and we are bringing them back, except this time we are making them available to everyone. The font has been changed and has actually made the shirt look even better than the original.
We will also have three other shirt designs available for order as well as a men's mesh short and a women's short. The shirts will be made using both a men's cut and a women's cut t-shirt. The men's shirt is the same shirt that was used for the St. Patty's Day workout and the women's is a soft style with capped sleeves.
Ladies, you have the option of going with either the men's shirt or the women's cut for your t-shirt orders. Hopefully all guys want the guy's cut. Ha-ha.
One of the shirt designs as well as both shorts, will have the same print as what's on the sweatpants and sweatshirts you all have. The other shirts are a fancy design logo as well as a funny but not too overdone slogan that BC came up with.
We will have the order forms up in the gym for you to write down what you would like to have. We are going to turn in the orders at the end of the week so that those going to regionals will have their apparel back in time for competition. If you would like to get in on this first order, please make sure that you write down what you want this week. If you miss this first order, we will place another one to go out at the beginning of May.
12:15 rx'ed.
Nice job Paul and Greg Mo of blowing this up Rx'd this morning.
12:20 154# Heavy Metcons are not in my DNA.
Back squat: 70% for 3x168#, 80% for 3x192# and 90% AMRAP (5x217#)
1 RM is 241#; got stuck on bottom of 6th rep at 217#; these felt really good today.
5 rep max on press: 87#; the 5th rep was tough as I almost got stuck halfway up (this is 1# under 85% of 1 RM (based on team WOD of max press at 104#)
metcon of 5 rounds of single arm DB with power clean, Front squat, push press, front squat, push press, repeat other side
1st round w/ 35# DB took 2:10; rested 2 minutes.
2nd round w/ 40# DB took 1:52. This didn't really feel heavy either though I'm not sure why my first round wasn't faster with the lighter weight.
See everyone tonight for the runs!
I did everything but the HPC in one set, those I broke up into sets of 5,4,3. The running is what took up most of my time this morning, ugh.
Nice job everyone at 6am!
I did the backsquat at 70%(153#ish)x3, 80% (178#)x3 and 90% (197#) for 4 reps.
It felt soooo heavy!!! I don't know what it was(maybe just too early in the morning) but I was struggling with every backsquat! I did low bar and high bar, low bar looked the best so I stuck with that!
The metcon was good! I started with 35# for the 1st round then moved to 40# for the second. I finished quick and looked around and everyone was still working. I figured out that I missed the second front squat and push press on each round!...So I did another round the right way! The 40# felt a little too easy, maybe should have gone up to 45#.
I just saw your post from Saturday. Post your email address to me and I'll send you all the info you need.
I was dead tired today (and hungry!), and just couldn't move fast on the runs at all. Barbell stuff felt decent - had to break up HPC because I kept losing grip, and the front squats because my knee popped at the bottom (probably would have broken those up anyways - they felt heavy today).
It was fun having such a big noon class. Nice work, kids!
Time to nap so I can drag my ass back in for more running tonight. (Crossing my fingers for a storm so we can maybe row instead...)
Thanks alot! Randy
Tall Snatch - Heavy Single
- 88, 98, 110, 120, 128, 138
Snatch Technique (Deload Week)
* 1st Position, Hang, Floor (All Full Catches)
50-60% - 88, 98, 110, 120, 135
Snatch Pulls - 198, 218, 228 X1
OH Squat 4X5
110, 154, 198, 220... Could have gotten more but my wrist is killing
Speed Work - Tabata Intervals
Butterfly Kip - Aimed for 20
1-20, 2- 19, 3-19, 4-20
Swings (55#) - Aimed for 10
1- 12, 2- 11, 3-11, 4- 11.5
Sit Ups
1-13, 2- 13, 3-13, 4- 13
Followed Immediately By...
1200m Run
2 Mins Rest
800m Run
1 Min Rest
400m Run
1200- 4:27, 800- 2:37, 400-1:18
- Slow, slow, slow :(
- Jen Duffey
Nice work, nooners!
1600 in 6:50
1200 in 5:10
800 in 3:00?
400 in 2:19?
I'm not sure on my 800 and 400 times but am sure on the 1600 and 1200 and final time. Had 3 minutes rest after 1600, 2 minutes rest after 1200 and 1 minute rest after 800.
This was a tough WOD; I tried to keep up with Reba (that means keeping her in my sight)
Great job everyone!!
I used 176# for the deadlifts and 110# for everything else. The shoulder is feeling stronger every day.
press was awful- my normal 3x5 is 155 but i couldnt get it for one set of 155 today- dropped to 145 to complete a set of 5.
apparently my gym moved all the heavy DBs somewhere as the heaviest to be found was 50#- was planning to try to for 75# which would have been a challenge. took 5:06 total with rest included with 50#- wasnt very hard. made sure to not thruster the DB and did a legit front squat then a push press.
took a 10 min rest and did the tabata that i missed on friday:
row= 79
GHDs = 30 (skipped last two rounds- back was killing me)
squats = 115
push balls = 97
total = 321
fun tabata, but my row seemed weak today not sure why.
my diet was awful this weekend and it showed. it frustrated me that my performance was so poor...
Total time = 24:58
1600 = 7:27
1200 = 6:02
800 = 3:26
400 = 1:53
Was definitely not on top of my game yesterday, and my legs feel beat. All things considered, I'm not unhappy with my times -