Speal vs Khalipa
For time:
1 Clean & Jerk
1 Round of "Cindy"
2 Clean & Jerks
1 Round of "Cindy"
3 Clean & Jerks
1 Round of "Cindy"
Continue in this fashion until you complete 10 Clean & Jerks and a final round of "Cindy." In total, you will have completed 55 clean and jerks and 10 rounds of "Cindy."
A round of Cindy consists of 5 pull ups, 10 push ups, and 15 air squats.
Prescribed weights are 154#/104#
Post time to comments.
Nick Patrick, CFO Affiliate Team Member
the Cindy rounds are what mostly slowed me down
Tuesdays WOD: 108 on the press - not pleased with that. 239 on the deadlift. I was hoping for more improvement on that but it was a PR by 17lbs. 347 overall.
Thanks a ton guys!
Sundays WOD
1.3m run w 30# 10:57
Snatch (132#) 8mins = 18
Chipper WOD 18:16
I'm glad I got the opportunity to try these.
Liked this one - pushups aren't great for me anytime, but it seems like morning is not the best time. Still, they've been much much worse, and I was generally happy with how this went. Also, no more coffee before workouts - that's not a great feeling for me. Sucking a lot less at pushups, however, IS a great feeling. :)
It's so awesome to see fellow CFO crossfitters helping out others, like Megan, Greg, and Ben with Eric!!!
God, I love this gym!!!
Good work 6 a.m.
Sloppy Details:
WHEN: Saturday, May 15th 2010
TIME: 5:00 PM
WHO: Anybody who's idea of a good time is running/scrambling/mucking/bush-whacking through the woods and getting covered in mud. Kids and nice dogs are MORE than welcome to come. Kids (and adults, for that matter) who can keep up on a fast hike through the woods will do fine on the Sloppy Dog trail.
COST: $25 (includes good beer, fancy aluminum "water" bottle, spaghetti & meatballs, bread, salad, smores and lots of fun people). Registration will close on Wednesday, May 12th 2010.
LOCATION: It's a secret. We'll tell you when you register--but it'll be accessible to people in both Omaha and Lincoln.
Did clean and jerk Rx'd and alternated pullup rounds by doing regular one round, then CTB the next, etc. Could do all 5 regular and 2/3 or 3/2 on CTB.
pushups slowed me down and I still suck at them..
Great job 6 a.m.!
Push Jerk Tech... 60% X3X3
110, 154, 175
Deadlift 3X5
230X5, 265X5, 308X6 (Really bad)
Metcon Done Shortly after....
2 Snatches (135#)
5 Ring Dips
10 Inverted Rows
15 BW Squats
Then 4,5/10/15, 6, 5/10/15, all the way up to 10 reps 5/10/15
**So 30 135# Snatches, and five rounds of 5/10/15
- 7:45 - Round of 8 and 10 Snatches got tough but didnt miss any reps
10 C&J
1 Cindy
9 C&J
1 Cindy
1 C&J
1 Cindy
Addi - that event sounds awesome