Wednesday 100324

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Speal vs Khalipa
For time:
1 Clean & Jerk
1 Round of "Cindy"
2 Clean & Jerks
1 Round of "Cindy"
3 Clean & Jerks
1 Round of "Cindy"

Continue in this fashion until you complete 10 Clean & Jerks and a final round of "Cindy." In total, you will have completed 55 clean and jerks and 10 rounds of "Cindy."

A round of Cindy consists of 5 pull ups, 10 push ups, and 15 air squats.

Prescribed weights are 154#/104#

Post time to comments.

Nick Patrick, CFO Affiliate Team Member

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19 Responses to "Wednesday 100324"

  1. paul Says:
  2. I love WODs like this. 8 rds using 132. Still hurting a bit from the weekend.
  3. Gina Says:
  4. Finished the 6th round, using 87#
    the Cindy rounds are what mostly slowed me down
  5. Unknown Says:
  6. Scaled to 98. Was in the pull ups in round 6 so DNF. Pull ups are coming along and finally some steady improvement.

    Tuesdays WOD: 108 on the press - not pleased with that. 239 on the deadlift. I was hoping for more improvement on that but it was a PR by 17lbs. 347 overall.
  7. Eric C Says:
  8. Got the Sunday Team Affiliate WOD done last night. I can't say enough about the people who helped me get through it. Steve Phillips and Megan 'McBadass' McNamara ran with me during the 1.3. Thank God, or I would have ran the wrong route! (Greg Mo) Ben Mason counted my snatches AND ran the last 200m with me to Enterprise during his WOD.
    Thanks a ton guys!

    Sundays WOD
    1.3m run w 30# 10:57
    Snatch (132#) 8mins = 18
    Chipper WOD 18:16

    I'm glad I got the opportunity to try these.
  9. Addi Says:
  10. 8 rounds, 4 pushups into the 9th. rx'd with CTB pullups

    Liked this one - pushups aren't great for me anytime, but it seems like morning is not the best time. Still, they've been much much worse, and I was generally happy with how this went. Also, no more coffee before workouts - that's not a great feeling for me. Sucking a lot less at pushups, however, IS a great feeling. :)
  11. Paula Says:
  12. Slept in today... it's my day off. I will make this one up tomorrow am.

    It's so awesome to see fellow CFO crossfitters helping out others, like Megan, Greg, and Ben with Eric!!!

    God, I love this gym!!!
  13. Greg MO Says:
  14. Nice work Doc Clements!
  15. Jake Says:
  16. 8 rounds, 1 pushup into the 9th. Ran out of steam about round 6, but it was a fun workout.

    Good work 6 a.m.
  17. BigD Says:
  18. 6 rounds and 6 C/J on round 7. Scaled to 132. This one was a killer! Nice job 6AM!
  19. Addi Says:
  20. Don't remember if this is on the list of races up in the gym, but a date has been set for the Sloppy Mutt Chase. This a really fun event - Josh and I did it in '08 with Kylie L. and Mel B. Really laid-back (the "winners" are generally heckled for being too competitive), sloppy, beverage breaks, and it ends at a bonfire with food and more beverages (definitely not paleo). Good times are had by all. Here's the info from the email I got.:

    Sloppy Details:

    WHEN: Saturday, May 15th 2010
    TIME: 5:00 PM
    WHO: Anybody who's idea of a good time is running/scrambling/mucking/bush-whacking through the woods and getting covered in mud. Kids and nice dogs are MORE than welcome to come. Kids (and adults, for that matter) who can keep up on a fast hike through the woods will do fine on the Sloppy Dog trail.
    COST: $25 (includes good beer, fancy aluminum "water" bottle, spaghetti & meatballs, bread, salad, smores and lots of fun people). Registration will close on Wednesday, May 12th 2010.
    LOCATION: It's a secret. We'll tell you when you register--but it'll be accessible to people in both Omaha and Lincoln.
  21. Shelley Says:
  22. 7 rounds; completed 2 CTB in 8th round when time was called.

    Did clean and jerk Rx'd and alternated pullup rounds by doing regular one round, then CTB the next, etc. Could do all 5 regular and 2/3 or 3/2 on CTB.

    pushups slowed me down and I still suck at them..

    Great job 6 a.m.!
  23. Anonymous Says:
  24. Lift + 1 Today...

    Push Jerk Tech... 60% X3X3
    110, 154, 175
    Deadlift 3X5
    230X5, 265X5, 308X6 (Really bad)

    Metcon Done Shortly after....

    2 Snatches (135#)
    5 Ring Dips
    10 Inverted Rows
    15 BW Squats
    Then 4,5/10/15, 6, 5/10/15, all the way up to 10 reps 5/10/15
    **So 30 135# Snatches, and five rounds of 5/10/15
    - 7:45 - Round of 8 and 10 Snatches got tough but didnt miss any reps
  25. Allison H :) Says:
  26. DNF: used 77#, got through 6 rd's and 2 c&j's when time done. For all those pullups I practiced last week I just couldn't get my swing right today... i was all wiggle wobble trying to pull myself up while my kip was making my body move another way! gosh darnit!!!!!
  27. Steve Says:
  28. 8 full rounds at 132. I'd like to try this one again in a month, but backwards...
    10 C&J
    1 Cindy
    9 C&J
    1 Cindy
    1 C&J
    1 Cindy
  29. Gdawg Says:
  30. This comment has been removed by the author.
  31. Anonymous Says:
  32. 5 rounds plus one c&j, 63#. I was shooting for 5 and that's just what I got. Push ups were getting real tough the last round that I did.

    Addi - that event sounds awesome
  33. Danielle Ostronic Says:
  34. 7 full rounds plus 4 c&j's @ 87#.
  35. Pastor Justin Says:
  36. 8 full rounds plus 5 c&j's @132
  37. Nate Says:
  38. This is my first ever DNF. Rather sad, but the WOD itself was epic. I loved it. I scaled it to 1332. Finished 8 rds and 6 C&J on the 9th.

Thanks For Visiting!