Thursday 100325

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Rest Day

And was a crossfitter in his own right.

One of the master's most famous quotes applies to all life, including fitness, "Use only that which works, and take it from any place you can find it."

Words well spoken.

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9 Responses to "Thursday 100325"

  1. Rita Says:
  2. Made up yesterday's. 7 full rounds through 11 air squats. Scaled c & j at 87#.

    Still working on form for kipping. So interesting that I'm not picking it up kinesthetically. The redeeming factor is that it no longer pisses me off. It just makes me curious and bewildered. And that's an alright distraction. HA!
  3. Unknown Says:
  4. Made up Monday's. Scaled to the no push up burpees. Got to 139 of those. Did the run with 30#. 14 30-something. Got a little lost on my way back on 89th.

    Nice work 5a.
  5. Paula Says:
  6. Did yesterdays WOD-Got through 7 rds + 7 squats and 87# on CnJ's. This was a fun WOD!

    Then Rita and I rowed this afternoon....did "sprint" intervals with 30 sec on and 30 rest. Cody ended up joining us. Good times!
  7. paul Says:
  8. needed to wreck my lower body and midline. So:

    5 rds

    12 back squats (225#)
    25 GH situps
    400m run

    about 25.

    my legs are jello.
  9. Crystal Says:
  10. What's a rest day!! Came in and did I believe it was Rocky Mtn Sectional WOD 3 w/Ricky.

    500m row
    21 KB Swings (used 45# KB)
    400m run

    Not sure of exact time because stop watch flew off Ricky's neck and stopped. I would say it was around 21 min or so.

    Great job 6:30. It was fun to see everyone doing something different.
  11. Jen H. Says:
  12. I did Wednesday's workout. The Cindy's slowed me down BIGTIME, but I did proper push-ups (first round) for the first in my LIFE! Yessssss
  13. Gdawg Says:
  14. This comment has been removed by the author.
  15. Unknown Says:
  16. More rest day snatch work. Ugh. Forever my nemesis.
    Thanks for the help, Ricky. And uh sorry about the increased blood pressure due to frustration:)
    And thanks to Mel for the encouragement!
  17. Kat Says:
  18. my first workout was the 400m run/15 box jumps- 30in. AMRAP in 15 min. I completed 5 rounds but I went over 15 minutes...
    the 2nd workout I did 150m row then AMRAP handstand pushups for 2 min. for 6 rnds. I got 5 handstand pu each round but I used bands(blue, green, tan, tan) from the ceiling.
    The 3rd workout I ran 1.3 miles with GDawg, no db!WAY MORE FUN!!
    Great job everyone!

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