Tuesday 100323

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Within 30 minutes, find
1 rep max dead-lift
1 rep max press

With the press, refrain from using the legs to get the bar overhead. Add your press to your dead-lift to get your score.

Post total from both lifts to comments.

The Sumo Dead-lift.

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8 Responses to "Tuesday 100323"

  1. Jake Says:
  2. I felt pretty weak today. 154# Push Press (first time I've maxed) and 340# Deadlift (a far cry from my 404# PR). Total - 494#.

    Great work today by the team. Greg Mo. was killing the affiliate workouts.
  3. Greg MO Says:
  4. All by my lonesome finishing affiliate team WODs this morning, Dr. Clements was not able to make it in...Tuf 2 complete all 3 of these in 2 hrs!...

    1.3 mile run= 14:39 (had 2 run this by myself @ 5am in the dark so i got lost like 3 times)

    AMRAP 132# snatches in 8:00= 39 (missed the 40th rep twice @ the end)

    Chipper= 15:20 (all rxd xcept last 200m run, didn't kno i was supposd 2 run it with a weight so...)

    WOW!...i'm tired...
  5. paul Says:
  6. Damn, Greg Mo! I don't think I could've done all that by myself. That's a sick time on that chipper, too.
  7. Eric C Says:
  8. Sorry Greg!

    I'm going to try to make it up tonight.... if they let me. Start at 5:30 finish by 7:30 (I hope).
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. SWEET WOD TODAY!! :)

    I did the last Rocky Mountain Sectional WOD along with Reba and Angie

    6 Squat Cleans (135/95#)
    9 CTB Pull Ups
    12 Box Jumps (20/24")
    ** Max RDS in 10 mins **
    Justin - 6.23 RDS - Would have won the sectional WOD by .01 pts :)... Good thing I got that last rep in before the beep
    Angela- 5 RDS - Would have won the WOD for the women
    Reba - 4.25 RDS - Would have been top five for the women...

    Nice Work Today Ladies...

    Lift + 1 tomorrow...
  11. BigD Says:
  12. Small 6 AM class today but some serious weight was being moved all while Greg Mo kicked the sh#t out of the Affiliate Team WODs.
    374 on DLs. PR by 10. Inching closer to the 400 club! 174 on press. Got 184 up, but couldn't finish the press.
  13. Pastor Justin Says:
  14. 228 deads
    148 press
  15. Danielle Ostronic Says:
  16. I did 24:38 of 5 strict pull-ups, 10 box jumps, and 5 kipping hspu with 1 abmat. Did 6 rounds. This was my first time doing kipping hspu's i liked them. Wish I could have figured them out on Saturday for the try-outs :)

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