Tuesday 100309

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
As many rounds in 15 minutes of:
5 Over Box Jumps, 20 inch box
10/6 Chest to Bar Pull ups
50 Single Unders

For box jumps, you can approach jump if you need to. If you can not jump over the box, your first scale is to jump onto a 24 inch box. Guys do 10 C2B pull ups and gals do 6.

Post rounds completed to comments.

Nate has only been with us for a couple of weeks and already he is starting to leave his mark. A cool addition to the gym.

Creatine Spares Muscle During High Intensity Interval Training, posted by Brian Willett - Bloginity

Does this translate to CrossFit or not?

Post thoughts to comments.

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16 Responses to "Tuesday 100309"

  1. BC Says:
  2. 5 rounds, rx'd.

    As for this creatine discussion, I first have a question: IF, during some of our intense, long wod's, we do run the risk of depleting our own glycogen stores, wouldn't the best way to counteract this be through the use of proper diet? If we're "eating clean" and getting plenty of protein, carbs and fats, won't those work to fuel our workouts AND build muscle?

    When it comes to supplements, I subscribe to the theory that AT LEAST 90% of everything out there is complete crap. The companies that produce supplements are not required to get approval from the FDA. They do not have to prove that they do what they claim, or even contain what they claim. Instead, it is the responsibility of the FDA to disprove any claims made by these supplements, or to prove that a supplement is dangerous. And the fact is that the FDA far too busy to actively police the supplement industry. The result is a marketplace flooded with supplements containing "proprietary blends" that are complete garbage. So people read this story about HIIT and creatine, and then go to Max Muscle or GNC or wherever, and buy that $50 tub of "creatine." Do they really know what they're getting? Is it anything more than glorified Kool Aid? I used to try all this stuff but then I did a little more research. Now I just try to focus on my diet and the only things I take are an amino acid with breakfast and before bed and protein powder post-wod - and hell maybe both of them are worthless too. At any rate, maybe I'm wrong, and if so I'm sure Ricky or someone will point it out, but that's just my opinion.
  3. Unknown Says:
  4. 5 rounds scaled. I enjoyed the over-the box jumps but started out a little apprehensive. Had to scale the pull ups to chin over the bar. Could only bang 2 - 3 out at a time so it really slowed me down.
  5. BC Says:
  6. One more thing. The footnote of this article references a study from the Journal of Sport Nutrition...or something like that. I googled that study and took a quick look at it. It does say that the test subjects that used creatine did have longer time periods of intense training before exhaustion, when compared to the test subjects that didn't take creatine. It also said that the test subjects were RATS! And these rats were taking 300mg of creatine twice a day! What does a rat weigh, 2 or 3 pounds? If a rat has to take 600mg of creatine a day to see any type of positive effect, how much would a human need to take???
  7. Shelley Says:
  8. 6 rounds plus 3 CTB pullups Rx'd; tried to go fast on over the box jumps and singles knowing CTB would be slow. I really need to work on CTB technique as I do them 1 at a time all the way through and never really kip. I used reverse grip for most as I had to redo every one that I tried with both hands overhand on the bar.

    Good job 5 a.m. It was fun to work out with you guys/gals.
  9. Unknown Says:
  10. I will say that when I take creatine it is esier for me to maintain muscle. When I stopped taking it in September, I lost like 10 lbs. That may have been water, but I was pretty lean. As for the FDA...aren't they the same flops that came up with the food pyramid? 6-11 servings of grains?? Really? I will ask my doctor before I listen to them, and as for my doctor, he probably doesn't know shit either. Yes, proper diet is key, but remember that the average human doesn't climb ropes, do sprints, pick up heavy things and where t-shirts that say "This s*** sucks what time tomorrow?" I don't think a little supplementation can hurt a might even help.
  11. Gina Says:
  12. I scaled today's WOD, jumping on 20" box and used a band for pull-ups.
    Finished 6 rounds.

    Nice work 6am!
  13. Allison H :) Says:
  14. (hey-yo! i'm at work, slow day so far!)
    Article response:
    First of all I would have to say in my opinion most supplements are filled with dangerously high levels of caffiene and creatine that in long term use do more harm on the body than help. I have seen many young, healthy athletes admitted to the ICU for liver failure just from creatine use alone. And it's not that they abuse too much, it's just from taking a daily dose for an extended period adds up and dose damage.
    If you are going to use a supplements, I would suggest a designated "ON" period, and a good "OFF" period. To give your body time to run itself, and cleanse out any high levels.

    Second of all - I would have to say my body enjoys CrossFit's HIIT in addtion to my prolonged cardio in the "fat burning zone" - AKA running. They are both activities I love to do, so I mix both of them together. CrossFit has not taken any muscle mass from me, but instead has given me stronger built legs (arms, back, core, just stronger all over!) and better endurance for my long runs. Now having crossfit and running is a great balance for me. I just make sure to have small meals, or snacks post WOD or run - helps me recover faster.
    so that's my 2 cents! :)
  15. Unknown Says:
  16. what are those shoes called that are like swim shoes with toes that everybody wears? I want to get some
  17. linds Says:
  18. Completed 7 rounds rx'd + 6 C2B PUS
    Nick, they are Vibram 5 finger shoes and I got mine at Backwoods, which is off 78th and Cass.
  19. Greg MO Says:
  20. Nick- Vibram 5 fingers...
  21. Rita Says:
  22. 6 rounds plus 6 CTB. Scaled pullups. Still working on timing of the kip.

    Welcome, Nate! Love that pic-impressive TGU.

    Fun having you with the early birds at 5, Shelley!
  23. Crystal Says:
  24. finished 7 rnds + 1 Pull-up rx'd.

    i liked the box jumps and CTB pu's got tough fast. the last couple rounds i was doing 1 at a time. it was hard to adjust to single unders. it has been awhile since i have done singles and kept wanting to move my arms faster like for double unders.

    great job 6:30!
  25. Gdawg Says:
  26. This comment has been removed by the author.
  27. Anonymous Says:
  28. Deadlift Work - Still cant figure out what I can't even get 400 off the floor :(
    Tempo Strict Pull Ups 3X5 (1-3-5)
    External Rotation 3X10
    Reverse Hyper 3X12

    50m Sprint
    10 Burpees
    7 Power Snatches (135)
    - 4:08 - Missed one snatch on the last round that cost me.... Didn't feel great today
  29. Danielle Ostronic Says:
  30. i did 8 rounds + box jump, jumping on a 24' box.
  31. Kat Says:
  32. I had 12 rounds + 4 box jumps Rx'd.
    I tore my hand up on the LAST 2PULLUPS!!!! Darn! So close!!!
    I did enjoy this wod tho! I like the low reps for rounds!

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