Thursday 100311

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Broken, Dead Man's Row
(South Texas Sectional, modified)

In 3 minutes, complete:
500 meter row + Max Reps Dead-lift (275#/185#)
Rest 4 minutes (or less/more if needed to fit class in hour)
In 6 minutes, complete:
1000 meter row + Max Reps Dead-lift (275#/185#)
Rest 7 minutes (or less/more if needed to fit class in hour)
In 3 minutes, complete:
500 meter row + Max Reps Dead-lift (275#/185#)
Score = Cumulative Row time (in seconds) - (total reps x 5 seconds)

Post score (in seconds) to comments (it may be a negative number)

Derek Y is with the Precision group and one of the few that has stuck it out for the long haul.

You can tell a lot about a person in the face of struggle. CrossFit tends to put things in front of us that sometimes ask us to show our real self. Even if that is in front of other people. Some things scare us and/or some things may cause us to look, for lack of a better word, dumb (at least that's the way we feel we look) but to look all that in the face and embrace it day after day says a lot about you.

We may not all be as strong as we want to be and we may not all be the most technically efficient but we are all on the same level in this gym. We don't give up. We figure out a way to get through the best way we know how, head first and with a lot of heart and effort. These are the people I want on my team, whether that is going to battle, playing sports, or working for, under, or alongside in the business world. It's easy to give up. It's not easy to admit to your weaknesses in the light of trying to eliminate them.

For that, I applaud you Derek Y., Dan P., Bryan B., Kevin J., Todd W. (all Precision employees who stuck it out) and every one else that works out in this gym. Keep up the admirable effort.

Reminder that we are having a Q&A sit down this Saturday at 12:30 PM for those interested. If you are interested in improving performance, health, or you just want to look good, this is for you. Pay a visit over to NutriSimple for more details.

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15 Responses to "Thursday 100311"

  1. Becky Says:
  2. Those are great words to live by. I can't wait to make up this workout and sorry I can't be there. Have a blast everybody this Friday with the St Patty's day wod.
  3. Rita Says:
  4. Great job, 5 am!

    Figuring out the score for all of us was harder than the wod! ha ha! Fric 'n' frac's, we all were...It was bonding and comedic, at least....

    I'm writing out my individual times and scores just in case my mathematician got too creative with the scoring. (Sorry, Jerry! haha!!)

    Rx'd.(!) 4:59 (299 seconds?)
    #1: 1:54/10
    #2: 4:09/15
    #3: 2:00/10

    hmmmm.... just musing....wonder what it would be like at 4:30 in the afternoon when I suspect our nervous systems are fully awake and a bunch of 20 something year olds are flying around to get us riled up? Ah well, this followed by a delicious Americano is an incredible way to wake up and start the day. I feel like the luckiest woman alive this morning to have accomplished this - even if the times/reps aren't what I wanted.

    Swell pic, Derek. Good for you sticking it out with the Precision group. Stay with it even if that study with Precision employees is complete.
  5. BC Says:
  6. 383 Rx'd (6:23). Using the broken rower is an excellent way to release "The Rage." Nice work 6am.
  7. paul Says:
  8. this was brutal, but rowing and DL might just be my favorite combo (some pullups would've been nice, though). 3:02 rx'd.

    rd 1: 1:37, 17 DL
    rd 2: 3:41, 20 DL
    rd 3: 1:49, 12 DL
  9. GregP Says:
  10. Used the broken rower on purpose. My shoulders are still tweaked from all the overhead stuff we have been doing the past 2 weeks, yes it takes me forever to recover. So I didn't think I would set any records. 5:10 if I did the math right.
    My rowing is approximate.
    RD1 2:00 9 @ 198
    RD2 4:15 13 I went about 25 seconds longer than Paul
    RD3 1:55 8 about 10 secs longer than Paul

    Great job 6am
  11. Gina Says:
  12. Total score: 7:30 (450 in seconds)- rx'ed

    500m 2:12 5 DL's
    1000m 4:46 9 DL's
    500m 2:12 6 DL's

    That was tough today. Nice job 6am!
  13. Shelley Says:
  14. I liked this WOD.

    results of each round:
    1:52 row; 24 DL's
    4:13 row; 24 DL's
    2:04 row; 14 DL's

    total score 179 or 2:59 Rx'd

    Didn't break any DL's in first round; after that did 10 at a time and rested for 3-4 seconds before doing next set of 10 or whatever I could get.
  15. paul Says:
  16. Lordy--the unmodified version of this was 2k row and max reps DL in 12 minutes. No rest.

    I might actually prefer the Air Force WOD to that.
  17. Eric C Says:
  18. Paul,

    I would rather be buried alive than do the Air Force WOD again.

  19. BC Says:
  20. I'd rather let Chuck Norris kick me in the face with a golf shoe than do the Air Force wod again.
  21. Jenni Says:
  22. You guys are funny. Someday Chuck Norris might just show up BC, I think you can take him ;)

    Anyways I LOVVVEEEDDD today's WOD. I didn't go RXd on deadlifts as that's my 1RM, I scaled down to using blues and the ladies bar. This ties a PR for my 500 row, but breaks my 1000m row PR by almost 20 seconds!

    1:50 - 8 deadlifts
    4:10 - ?? deadlifts
    1:56 - 12 deadlifts

    My "time" ended up being 5:17 but I have no idea if my math is right and now I can't remember how many deadlifts I did the second round. Anyways I felt pretty good about the rows, just need to deadlift more. It'll happen, I'm determined.

    Nice work 4:30 class - You guys are always awesome :)
  23. Gdawg Says:
  24. This comment has been removed by the author.
  25. Anonymous Says:
  26. Workout 1
    - Full Snatch - up to about 90%
    Finished with 198 for a single
    Front Squat - Guessed my max was 280ish-
    175X5, 190X5, 198XMAX (12 Reps)
    GH Raises and Butterfly PU (X30)
    RESTED 15-20 mins (Trained WBB)
    Row (Calories)
    15-12-9-6-3 (About 3:30?)

    Night Wod
    1 Rope Climb (No Feet)
    3 Muscle Ups
    5 Ground to OH (155#)
    5RDS - 6:40
    - Should have scaled the weight up to bodyweight
  27. Mark Says:
  28. 1:42 / 14 DLs
    3:55 / 16 DLs
    1:55 / 10 DLs

    4:12 Rx'd I think was my adjusted time.
  29. Kat Says:
  30. I got
    Row 1:55 DL 19
    Row 4:10 DL 19
    Row 2:01 DL 14
    216 total at 3:49...i Think anyway....
    Great job 6:30!

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