Sunday 100328

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
For time:
1 Mile Run
Walking Lunges, 50 steps

Post time to comments.

Pose Running.

No open gym today. Sorry for any inconvenience.

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3 Responses to "Sunday 100328"

  1. Gdawg Says:
  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
  3. Kat Says:
  4. I made up yesterdays with GDawg and Megan M. I did Level 2...I finished rx'd in 16:05.
    I only had to re-do the box jumps. The 1st time through the box jumps I stepped down each took me 36 seconds so then I rested for about 2 minutes and tried again. I completed them just in the nic of time...i for sure need to work on my technique! I wud like to try the L3 sometime!
    Then I cleaned the gym for time...that sucked!
  5. Mark Says:
  6. It was so nice today I had to be outdoors! Went for a walk with my dog around Standing Bear Lake, it ended up being about 5 miles. I didn't know it didn't go all the way around the lake. Good day though!

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