Rest Day
If you come on a rest day, come with a plan. Either you know which workout you wish to make up or you have some weaknesses you'd like to get rid of, either way, come ready to play.
Bob S using an underhand grip to pull himself up.
Those of you that placed an order for fish oil, I need your payment today. Please take care of that as soon as you can. Everything will be ordered at the end of the day. Thank you.
3 sets of low bar back squat:
1st set of 10 broken up in 2 sets of 5 at 197#.
2nd set did 3 at 197#, dropped bar behind me going up on rep #4 so dropped to 187# and finished with that weight doing 5 reps and then 2.
3rd set did at 187# broken up in 2 sets of 5.
This was tougher than I thought as my 1 RM is 241#
100 pushups in 13:24; probably had to do 12-14 of the 60 meter run. Each time you touched your knee, you had to stop and do 60 meter shuttle run. I did 14 pushups before touching knee first time and then after that it was 5-8 reps each time. I'm still not good at pushups...
Great job group! It was fun to work out with both Megan's this morning.
Main site WOD= 19:29...lots of volume, my main goal on this 1 was 2 finish in 20:00, box jumps took me way 2 long.
3x10 Back Squat= 294#...Started at 308#, got 3 reps into the 1st set & needed to drop, by the last set i was doin 1s.
Nice work by all this morn!!!
Back squat 3x10 @ 164#. Did 7/3 for sets 1 & 2, 8/2 for set 3. Probably should have gone a little heavier, but warmup sets felt crappy and this WRECKED my shoulders. Still battling a wonky hip flexor, too.
Pushups - 10:19. First set of 20, then 10s until the last 4 sets of 5. Much better than I expected time-wise, but more pain than I could have imagined. The shuttles hurt my shoulders more than the pushups.
Hopefully the swings and box jumps tonight do more to loosen up my shoulders more than the double-unders do to piss them off.
DNF = 17:25
DU's = scaled. Did 100 b/c with my crappy jump-rope I could only get 5 or 6 in a row. Normally I could kick out 50 with the gym ropes.
Box Jumps = no boxes so I jumped on a bench-press bench (and absorbed plenty of scowls from the meat-heads)
Deadlift = No way I could do 21. But I will continue to work on it.
A nice workout before 1 hr of intense City Rec Basketball tournament Sunday night.
Nice run Stacie.
Snatch (90-95%) - Deload next week
204, 209, 214- Missed twice... Close just out front...
Snatch Grip DL 3X3 (110% to start)
247X3, 272X3, 296X2- Lost Hook Grip on the last rep... Felt like my thumb was gonna rip off so i figured I better drop it :)
Back Squat 5,3,1
225X5, 255X3 286XMax- Only got 4
Messed around with elevated HSPU and hand placement - Did max reps X 3 sets with hands on 6" boxes
1st - 4 Reps, 2nd- 3, 3rd- 5
SS w/
Max Strict CTB Pull Ups
1st- 12, 2nd- 10, 3rd- 8
REST 2 HOURS (Two Clients to Train)
Needed something quick since I've got a lot of homework due this week...
200 yard shuttle sprint (100 & Back)
5 500 lb Tire Flips (Probably more since it was full of water till RD 2)
5 Rounds - Didn't push it like I could have - 7:02 (Should have broken 6 mins)
13:25 - this was really tough, but it hit 3 of my strengths, so it went fairly well. Wanted to get DUs unbroken, but it didn't happen on any rounds. Broke up box jumps a little more than I needed, and I could have cut down on some rest in between. Need to toughen up my head game.
Loved doing this outside - the breeze was perfect. Great job everyone! See you in 10 hours. Ouch.
15:10. Du's were consistent each round (meaning I messed up but not to the point of getting frustrated),box jumps I need to work on taking out the extra "hop" I have and KB swings felt good. These were the only things I did unbroken in all sets.
Felt good to be outside. Everyone did great!
Heading to bed to get much needed sleep before tomorrow a.m.