For time:
3 rounds of,
20 Handstand Push ups
20 Sumo Dead-lift High Pull (115#/77#)
immediately followed by,
100 Double Unders
The workout is 3 rounds of the couplet followed by 100 double-unders once. You may subsitute 75 no push up burpees or 600 single unders in place of the double-unders.
Handstand Push ups will utilize the standards set forth by sectional competition in Washington. For guys, this is two green bumpers separated by one ab-mat where the hands are placed over the holes. For gals, the same set up but with two ab-mats stacked.
Post time to comments.
Greg Mo getting ROM
I have created a new blog for all of you. It is a nutritional blog with links, info, videos, and sometimes my eating habits. I will try to get Joe, Jon, and Amanda to contribute from time to time as well.
It is what I eat. There are some good days and some bad days but I try to fuel my performance as much as possible. It doesn't always work out that way though. I just want you to understand that your nutrition doesn't need to be super high quality nor do you need to weigh everything. Use a little common sense and don't over sweat the small stuff.
I want it to be an interactive blog with questions posted and links to info that you come across that may be of interest.
Nutrisimple - CrossFit Omaha
It is what I eat. There are some good days and some bad days but I try to fuel my performance as much as possible. It doesn't always work out that way though. I just want you to understand that your nutrition doesn't need to be super high quality nor do you need to weigh everything. Use a little common sense and don't over sweat the small stuff.
I want it to be an interactive blog with questions posted and links to info that you come across that may be of interest.
Nutrisimple - CrossFit Omaha
I started out Rx'd on HSPU's and then started missing more than I was getting so went to negatives and DB shoulder presses. Had 27 DU's left when time was called. Definitely felt like I took 2 steps backwards today on HSPU's.
Time was called with 4 SDHPs left in the second round. Did not scale the HSPUs.
Great work 6 a.m.
1st attempt, did not lock out arms(big mistake), then Joe stepped in and helped me out. Was able to do the handstand but that was it.
For work out I did 5 handsatands then 15 seated dumbell presses 35#, did SDHP rx'd 115#, 600 Single unders.
Love the idea of the Nutriblog, Ricky. I feel like I try on the nutrition but there are so many distractions off course at home and traveling. I feel like I know what to do but need motivation to stay on. I'm hoping the blog will help. Are you planning to have a comments section on the blog? Maybe calling out experience in "public" will help keep us on??
I am so excited for the masters competitors! You all will do great!
I posted on yesterday's blog kind of late so I'm gonna ask the question again and hopefully one of yall will see it today...Donohoe and Nick am I on yall's team for St. Patty's WOD? If so duh we are gonna win. 1.because all vball players know how to drink...especially ex vball players and irish!!! im thinking the team that wins should be of irish heritage ha.
Anyway, that is so exciting that GregP, Irv, and Karen are doing the Masters!! Yall are gonna rock it!! Definitely looking forward to that trip :)
Peace out!
If you were drinking Estancia Pinot Grigio and forgot to pay your bill please let me know, so I can get paid :)
Or if you know who was I will give you a cut!!
Took Joe's advice and did 5 handstands for 5 seconds and then 15 DB presses at 15#.
Love the sumo high pull deadlifts.
I am so happy I can do handstands -even if it's against the wall. I was able to touch my head to the top of 3 ab mats. Further than last week! What a blast.
Congrats to the Wattiers! I'm proud of you and GregP!
Ricky - love the Nutrition Blog.
Jake H and I, Mike O'Hanlon (SOUNDS IRISH EYY?), and Jess Jenkins (a red head so IRISH??)
we are ready to shotgun beers!!!
Looking forward to the St. Pat's WOD.
Awesome job this morning guys!!!
Congrat to the Irv, Karen, and Greg P. on going on the Masters!! You will represent well!!!
I too love the nutrition blog, RIcky!!
Its kinds like these that only make you stronger...
I liked this WOD
Have fun being a "shirt-less whore with a God complex"
Everyone has to see that!!!!!
I did 20 negatives and 10 presses with 20lb db and 77# on the SDHP.
I got through 2 rounds and was about 5 negatives into the 3rd round.
Did 100 double unders in 1:56!! Did the first 40 all in a row (a PR for me!) and then it was 17 and from there it just kept decreasing....
FYI, my head hurts....I should prolly get stronger so I don't have to do negatives ever again!
went rx'd and enjoyed working on these. got to round 2 and stuck on the 3rd hspu. darn it! great job 6:30. everyone did great!