Wednesday 100217

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
For reps:
5 minutes of rowing (calories)
4 minutes of box jumping (24"/20")
3 minutes of hang squat snatch (75#/45#)
2 minutes of wall ball (20#/14#)
1 minute of handstand pushups

Each rep of the hang squat snatch must be performed from below the knee, wall ball must be severely accurate, and you must at least attempt a handstand pushup.

Post total reps to comments.
( for comparing results)

JenT attempting....

Okay, so the venue has been set. We will be celebrating at Stokes Bar and Grill on 114th and Dodge. The party starts at between 7:30 and 8PM. We do have a minimum purchase of $400 so be ready to eat and have fun.

If you haven't already, rsvp by posting that you are coming to comments or you can do so by way of facebook. I have created an event and have invited all of you. If I have not invited you, you can still post that you are coming. I would like to get a rough head count by Thursday at the latest.

This is going to be a blast.

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15 Responses to "Wednesday 100217"

  1. Addi Says:

    Mens' video of Sunday's workout. (music NSFW) Another awesome video. Not surprisingly, they had a hard time finding camera angles without CFO athletes in them. This video might as well be named "B Christ and Herculoid kill the box jumps"

    I think my body is finally ready to crawl out from under the covers today and venture once again in to the world of physical activity - see you at noon!
  3. Jake Says:
  4. 132 reps
  5. paul Says:
  6. Ricky had me and Greg Mo do a different 5-4-3-2-1:
    5 min DUs
    4 min ball slams
    3 min KB swings (1.5 pd)
    2 min DB thrusters (45#)
    1 min ring dips

    i got 430 reps, mostly DUs, of course.

    DB thrusters were not happening today. I got 5 measly reps.

    Nice work 6am!
  7. Kelli Says:
  8. not only will you see me coming out of the woodwork tonight (yes, I will be there)...but I will also be there on Friday to celebrate with my long lost friends :)
  9. Danielle Ostronic Says:
  10. This comment has been removed by the author.
  11. O'Kief Says:
  12. Unfortunately I'm out of town this weekend and can't make the social. Congratulations to those who qualified for regionals and to everyone who competed at sectionals. You did a wonderful job representing our gym.
  13. Danielle Ostronic Says:
  14. If anyone would like to look at my pictures from Sectional please go to:
    You can add pictures and/or download pictures.

  15. Eric C Says:
  16. Wanted to get back at it today, but I have Jury Duty. YUK! I would almost rather do burpees than sit in a courtroom all day. Almost. I think Ill have everyone do a bodyweight WOD during the next break!
  17. Donohoe Says:
  18. Today I did 185 rep/ calories it was a good workout. I would like to try this again and push hard through out the wod. I gave this one too much repect anyhow everyone did a great job.
    Donohoe out....
  19. Addi Says:
  20. Did the DU version at noon - 379 reps. DUs were WAY harder than they should have been - the rope felt too heavy. Never a good sign. Could have pushed harder and hit 400, but just trying to ease back in until I feel 100%. This weekend wiped me out.
  21. BC Says:
  22. Alternate/DU wod, a measly 270 reps. Everything. Just. Hurts.
  23. Becky Says:
  24. I saw Jon's feet! Addi thanks for the link...that was a great video!
  25. Iron Nerd Says:
  26. This comment has been removed by the author.
  27. Iron Nerd Says:
  28. It seems my post didn't, well, post...

    158 doing the DU workout. My DUs still aren't where they need to be, but I'm getting better at them every time.

    I'll be there Friday, count me in.
  29. Danielle Ostronic Says:
  30. Did the DU wod with 316. I liked this one :)

Thanks For Visiting!