Wednesday 100210

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Rest Day

If you are competing, this is the absolute last day that you should come in for a workout. If you do come in, I would suggest that you try your hand at the first workout by attempting it for a couple of rounds at about 7 reps each. Set the clock to reset every 30 seconds and do burpees when it beeps. Keep it minimal, no more than two rounds.

Second, if you want to try the second workout, I would suggest going as hard as you can, at the prescribed weight, for one minute and nothing more. The last thing you want to do is hurt your shoulder or something.

Greg O'Kief, upside down on the family farm.

As promised, here are results from those that sent in their excel spreadsheets with their score from the workouts in the last cycle. If you haven't sent yours in, please do and we'll update the list. If you need the spreadsheet, visit the blog post from Saturday, February 6th for the link.

Out of a possible 25 points:
Stacie Tovar - 18 points
Greg Morales - 17 points
Neil Wattier - 16 points
Paul Audi - 15 points
Dustin Tovar - 14.5 points
Shelley Buchholz - 12.5 points
Danielle Baker - 11.5 points
Tyler Adamson - 11.5 points
Peter Nordlund - 10.5 points
Paula Miller - 6.5 points
Greg Petersen - 6 points
Brian Hilgenfeld - 4.5 points
Rita van de Lune - 3.5 points (didn't do DT'ish)

Awesome job guys. Keep up the great work and attack those weaknesses like nobody's business.

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8 Responses to "Wednesday 100210"

  1. paul Says:
  2. I just did some back squats (3 sets of 5 at 264) and a little triplet to get my heart going:

    3 rds:
    10 OHS (75)
    15 KB swings (1.5pd)
    25 DUs

    didn't time it. Just tried not to rest. but i did take 10 deep breaths before the last set of OHS.
  3. Eric C Says:
  4. If you look at the Sectionals WODs. Where is the gymnastics portion? Or the running? These 2 WODs are heavy on the Oly lifts (exception being the burpees). Does this mean Sundays WOD should include some running (or rowing) and rings or pullups... or better yet HSPU's?

    I can't imagine a Crossfit competition without pullups.
  5. Kat Says:
  6. I cant pull up the spread sheet on any of the computers I have available to me. My scores are as follows:
    78 Reps
    9:18 "Annie"
    3:03 RX'd KB swings
    12:41 for the leg buster wod
  7. Kat Says:
  8. I cant pull up the spread sheet on any of the computers I have available to me. My scores are as follows:
    78 Reps
    9:18 "Annie"
    3:03 RX'd KB swings
    12:41 for the leg buster wod
  9. GregP Says:
  10. Eric,

    I looked at the judging standards comments from last Saturday at CrossFit TNT and the WOD was 10 CTB pullups, 10 wallballs, 10 hang power snatches, and 10 thursters, 15 minute cut-off.

    There is at least one gymnastic movement.
  11. Gdawg Says:
  12. This comment has been removed by the author.
  13. Kat Says:
  14. I did wod 1 today but modified it to 12 reps of each and 2 burpees. I completed it in 5:40. Those OH squats are going to be rediculous! I cant wait to get that 1st wod done with!
  15. Crystal Says:
  16. did WOD 1 with Kat modified. it was rough. mostly the OH Squats. i'm ready to get this one over with.

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