"Air Force WOD"
For time:
20 Thrusters
20 Sumo Dead-lift High Pulls
20 Push Jerks
20 Overhead Squats
20 Front Squats
Weight is 98/63 pounds.
At the top of every minute, including the start of the workout, you must perform 4 legit burpees. You then have the rest of the minute to get in as many reps as possible of each exercise, in the order listed. You can't move on to the next exercise until the one you're on is completed.
If you are in the middle of a rep when the buzzer goes off, complete that, and only that rep before dropping down for the required 4 burpees.
5:30 and 6:30 PM Classes Only
Dead-lift 1RM
(All other classes will have their chance at 1RM dead-lift on Friday)
Post time (or dead-lift 1RM) to comments.
A few of CFO's heavy hitters, Lindsey, Danielle, and Stacie.
You probably won't see those competing this weekend in any more classes this week. How about we give them all a huge good luck. Post your thoughts and luck wishing to comments.
These guys are going to St. Charles to represent our gym and Omaha. They will have a lot of fun and do really well. I am excited for them as you all should be. It is going to be a blast. There is no place like our place in Omaha. Everyone else is just a gym, we are a community.
These guys are going to St. Charles to represent our gym and Omaha. They will have a lot of fun and do really well. I am excited for them as you all should be. It is going to be a blast. There is no place like our place in Omaha. Everyone else is just a gym, we are a community.
Looking forward to getting a taste of your Saturday tomorrow morning.
CFO is a gym and community of which to be proud. Everyone of you will represent it well. You are inspiring to all of us, no matter whether we are beginners to athletics or beyond.
Not only are you talented athletes who work hard, you are all class act individuals. Have a blast and good luck!
16:50 (75#).
DNF attempted at 88lb. Burpees swallowed me the last half of the push jerks.
Get good rest, CFO Omaha!
Tried to keep the correct form on the burpees, but that got hard toward the end of the workout.
Great work 6am. Small but mighty class today.
Good luck everyone competing! I can't wait to cheer you all on this weekend!
Never touched knees on burpees!
Thanks for giving the whole gym a chance to do a sectional workout.
Good job, Paula! I'm proud of you on this one! Way to work, all of 5 am!
As RX'd = 10:45
I just got a case (32 rolls) of athletic tape into my office. I can bring a lot of extra tape if anyone would use it. (I just don't want to lug it around if I don't have to)
LMK if you want a roll (for FREE... or want to split a roll. (Johnson and Johnson athletic tape).
And thanks Hilg for letting me borrow your shoes!
See everyone tomorrow and rest up.
I'm excited for this weekend!! I'll be cheering hard from the sidelines!! Your guys will rock!
Thanks for all the encouragement guys...CFO will represent this weekend!
Looking forward to this with a lot of nervousness and excitement. It's going to be great!!!! Hopefully I won't have nightmares about OHS.......
Thanks for the encouragement from everyone! CFO Rocks!!
15:40 scaled to 43#...it was hard...the burpees killed me as usual!