Monday 100222

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Rest Day

Greg Petersen doing push ups and preparing for master's competition in Denver.

We have a cabin (or two) reserved at the Niobrara State Park in Niobrara, NE for the weekend of August 20-22nd. We are looking for around 30 people who are interested in a weekend stay for about $30 a person. This does not include the cost of activities such as horseback riding.

If you are interested, we need you to sign-up and pay to reserve your spot. The spots will open up first thing Tuesday morning and will be first come, first serve. As soon as we get thirty spots filled, we will look into finding more cabins or even reserving a camp ground for tent set up but nothing is guaranteed beyond these initial 30 spots.

This will be a crazy weekend of fun and just some good ol' R & R. If you are interested, I would advise a quick sign up as the spots will go fast. You must pay on the spot to reserve your spot.

For more information on the park and things to do, please visit Niobrara's State Park Website and/or Niobrara River Ranch.

For more information, please contact Danielle Baker at

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17 Responses to "Monday 100222"

  1. Hilg Says:
  2. Wow, by the looks of the 5 a.m. class....this was no rest day....way to rock it 5 a.m.

    I was there for the 6am....not as mighty in numbers but mighty just the same.

    196 on the 1RM clean...PR

    DNF Sunday's half way through the snatchs and scaled the pull-ups to jumpers due to sore shoulder.

    Way to go 6am!

  3. Fish Says:
  4. Did yesterdays WOD, new PR on Dead Lift by 20#, 350# DNF metcon, had 12 pull ups left. I guess that is what i get for going on vacation.
    For anyone on the fence about weightlifting shoes you should read this article. The website also has some interesting articles about Olympic lifts. Great job 5am!!!!
  5. Greg MO Says:
  6. U da man Greg P! Ur gonna beast it up at the masters!!!
  7. Eric C Says:
  8. Greg P once pulled out a single hair from his beard and skewered three men through the heart with it.

    DL 20# under previous PR.
    MetCon 14:40-ish. Thanks for pushing me Greg Mo.

    I enjoyed working with the 6 am'ers today, but why didn't I come in and do it yesterday at 1:15???

    Videos of sectionals (with correct sound) are up.


  9. Laura Says:
  10. Did yesterdays WOD, I didn't have a 1RM for power clean, ended up with 104#.

    Modified metcon due to time. I cut the first four exercises in half finishing at 10:08.

    Enjoying the 6 a.m. class! :)
  11. GregP Says:
  12. Signed up for Masters at Regional. All contributions for medical supplies (AED, oxygen, cute nurse to adminster) would be appreciated.
  13. NickS Says:
  14. This comment has been removed by the author.
  15. Allison H :) Says:
  16. Greg P crossfit is full of young nursing students that would be jumping all over you to get the chance at some real life CPR!!!! LOL!

    Made up Sunday's metcon. Scaled only snatch to men's bar because the snatch and I - we have issues!!! 19:40 or 19:45 "ish" not too sure but just glad I finished.
    followed by... some tabata hill runs. 4.0 incline, 8mph, two full cycles consistently.

    all felt good after a weekend of fun! great work noon hommies!
  17. Unknown Says:
  18. Jon,

    Can't get in mind body. I'll be there at 6:30
  19. Rita Says:
  20. Great photo, Greg! I'm excited for you to compete in Denver! That's awesome!

    B-you know it, man. 5 am means business. We may be small. We may be somewhat mature. We may be scaling a little here and there. But we be mighty. And having a ball! ha ha!

    Power clean 109#. Attempted 114# but my form is poopy...

    Did Georgia Sectional: DNF. Buzzer went just as I picked up the bar to begin overhead walking lunges. Pullups slowed me down. (After class, I placed them back in a very warm place where they belong. HA!)

    Broke KB swings 45 and 15. I'm so thrilled - I did the box jumps rx'd! Stayed consistent in tempo. Wall balls broke into sets of 10. Pull ups with blue band 10, 5, 5, 5, 3, 2. Knocked out the situps fast, snatches with men's bar (scaled). Great wod. Can't wait to do it again when pullups are no longer a weakness. Perhaps the year 2019? Ha!

    Going to 6:30 tonight for deadlift and jumping pull up wod. Pullups for Lent.....
  21. paul Says:
  22. did the jumping pullup and front squat workout. ouch. those felt heavy today.

    10:15 rx'ed.
  23. MeganMcNamara Says:
  24. Did the jumping pullup and front squat wod today...I'm with Paul..ouch! I'm sure my legs will be feeling that tomorrow...Shelley you ROCK for finishing that so fast!! I tried really hard to get it under 10 but I ended up getting 10:02 rx'd. Better luck next time...great 4:30 class!

    Donohoe and Nick am I on yall's team for St. Patty's?
  25. NickS Says:
  26. This comment has been removed by the author.
  27. Rita Says:
  28. Jumping pullup/front squat: 10:30 at 104#.

    No strength left for deadlift 1rm today.
  29. NickS Says:
  30. Got a new PR on power clean (243) my first time at CFO. Form was total crap lol. Everyone seemed nice, and saw a couple of familiar faces from sectionals.
    It was nice to meet everyone, going to have to get used to being able to actually drop the weights, wasted to much energy controlling the negative to set it back down.
    I'd do the st. patty's day WOD, but I don't kinda rules me out lol.
  31. Paula Says:
  32. Did 1rm power clean and Georgia WOD @ 5am...
    #114 for cleans, tried 119- 4 times without success.
    DNF @ 15:01 on Georgia WOD. was into 10 snatches @ #53 when buzzer went off...Used 20" box, blue/purple band for pullups.

    Then went to 6:30 class to make up jumping PU's/FS WOD!! Did the #104 with 40 reps. ...10:41
    I actually enjoyed this wod! ALOT of energy tonite.
    It was fun to see some new faces!!

    Great job 5am'ers and 6:30 class!!! Good times!
  33. Kat Says:
  34. I did the Georgie's wod. I completed it Rx'd at 15:51. I feel like I could have done faster with the snatches but I really focused on my form even though the weight was low. Good job everyone!

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