Hang Squat Snatch + Power Snatch + Overhead Squat
x 5 sets
Complete the above sequence for 5 sets with one minute rest between sets. Use a weight that is moderate. If speed and/or accuracy (misses) become an issue, lower the weight some. This workout is not about how much you can lift but rather about extension and speed.
Keep the weight the same for all sets unless it is too heavy. (Example: If you have a 200 pound snatch, you probably will use 154 or lighter. Take what you will from this.)
followed by,
3rounds for time of:
15 Thrusters (132#/93#)
2 Flights of Stairs (or 300 meter row)
25M/18F Push ups
Post weight used for Olympic sequence as well as met-con time to comments.
Amanda Brei
Open gym will take place at the University of Nebraska at Omaha in the varsity weight-room. We will meet there at 1PM for those that are interested. Since we are doing a bit of Olympic lifting, I will be at CFO from 11:45 or so until 12:15 or so for those that want to pick up their shoes. Bring some regular shoes as well for the met-con.
Hope to see a lot of faces. Those that come get to see or workout again where it all started.
Hope to see a lot of faces. Those that come get to see or workout again where it all started.
15 Thrusters (132#)
2 Stair Runs/Walk/Drunken Stumble
25 Push Ups
3RDS - 11:15
Justin VanBeek
Only used 88# for the hang snatch/power snatch/OH squat WOD. Was really focusing on speed, went fairly well.
As for the metcon...those were definitely not wall balls! Workout was 15 thrusters (132#), 2 sets of stair runs and 25 pushups, all for 3 rounds. I used 110# for thrusters, finished in 18:55. Brutal.
Metcon - 16:06. My thrusters are painfully slow (literally and figuratively), but I was happy with my pushups - solid 3s in the first 2 rounds. Last round I decided to go for broke and see how many I could knock out - got 9 in, then 1s and 2s without too much rest. "Running" stairs sucks my will to live.
finished snatch with 135 and finished the wod in 1609 it sucked bad only used 98 pounds for the thrusters. I hope someday to get the form I need to rock out thrusters.
DOnohoe out
14:49 Rx'd on metcon which consisted of:
3 rounds of
15 thrusters (95#)
2 sets of stairs
18 pushups
Thrusters sucked and stairs felt like a rest after those.