Gymnastic Day
Utilize this day to shore up any body-weight movements you'd like. There are a ton. Try hspu's, pushups, chest to bar pull-ups, pull-ups, dead-hang pull-ups, ring dips, ring push ups, muscle-ups, handstand walks, knees to elbow, back extensions, glute-ham sit ups, or anything else you think you need to make better.
Use your time wisely. Have a plan before you walk in the door. If you need help with sets and reps, scaling, etc. please ask but please don't come in not knowing what the heck to do. You hardly ever get time like this. No barbells, db's, med balls, kettle bells, etc.
Post what you did and experience to comments.
Christy Herschlag during jumping squats last week.
Ni-Bathska-Ke 12k & 4mi Trail Run
Saturday, April 03, 2010 @ 10:00 AM Louisville, NE
BC- No fire, barbed wire or broken glass one this one. But the entry fee includes a whole-hog roast afterward.
Congratulations, Randy! First time kipping without bands. It was so fun watching you stringing 4and 5 and more together as if you'd been doing them all along! The best part? You were so damn low key about the entire situation!
The gift of time to work on these things is greatly appreciated. We all had fun and made leaps and bounds of progress. Good job, 5 am.
Thanks for the opportunity to work on these things.
Great work 6am!
Great class today.
You can order online and they do bi weekly drops at Village Point.
If any of you would like some wonderful lean healthy venison, I'd be glad to provide during the hunting season next fall. I can deliver boned out trim or take it to your favorate processor for finish (stoysich, etc)
I'll post this again in the fall. I often take an Elk in the fall but that wonderfull lean meat is ALL mine!!
The deer I harvest, depending on location, feed on a combination of alfafa and corn.
Congrats, Randy on the pullups. You looked awesome!
We've talked about cow and about some buffalo! If anyone is interested we go to a locker up just north of Sioux Falls. They butcher 500-700 lb Buffalo, so a bunch of people may have to go in on it. It is a 3 hr road trip, but well worth it. I just got a bunch a few months ago, but if a bunch of you are interested and can give the info.
Those interested in the Thistles and Clover's awesome! I'm so thankful Jen hooked me up with the info.
I would be interested in Deer and buffalo. I just got some meat from Jen's hook up. It is great, so good!!