Wednesday 100127

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
With a continuously running clock perform the correct amount of reps for the first minute, the correct amount of reps for minute two, and the correct amount of reps for minute three. Continue in this fashion until a full twenty minutes of work has been reached.

If you crossover into the next minute, you must finish the round your are on but then rest the remainder of the minute you crossed over into. You will only be able to get to round nineteen. If you crossover into the next minute for a second time, you again must finish the round but must rest the remainder of the minute. You will now only be able to get to round eighteen, etc. etc.

Minute one: 10 Burpees
Minute two: 20 Burpees
Minute three: 5 Burpees
Minute four: 11 Burpees
Minute five: 2 Burpees
Minute six: 18 Burpees
Minute seven: 6 Burpees
Minute eight: 15 Burpees
Minute nine: 4 Burpees
Minute ten: 8 Burpees
Minute eleven: 17 Burpees
Minute twelve: 3 Burpees
Minute thirteen: 13 Burpees
Minute fourteen: 9 Burpees
Minute fifteen: 12 Burpees
Minute sixteen: 14 Burpees
Minute seventeen: 16 Burpees
Minute eighteen: 7 Burpees
Minute nineteen: 19 Burpees
Minute twenty: 1 Burpee

Will we have a bunch of people show up or will this be a workout where lots make excuses?

Post the last minute you completed after twenty minutes is up to comments.

Blas Hilario with the jerk.

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26 Responses to "Wednesday 100127"

  1. Addi Says:
  2. I'm showing up just so you can hear me bitch, Ricky. You're welcome.
  3. paul Says:
  4. Atta boy, Blas!

    This was not fun, but on the bright side, if burpees come up at sectionals, they will feel a lot easier than this.

    16 rds. My set of 16 burpees went overtime, and then i did the 19 and 1 for good measure.
  5. Shelley Says:
  6. completed 17 rounds. I hope this WOD never shows up again........

    Great job 6 a.m.!

    Great job Greg Mo for getting all 20 rounds.
  7. GregP Says:
  8. 6am showed up for burpees this morning. Good job everyone.

  9. Jake Says:
  10. 14 rounds and sick.
  11. BC Says:
  12. The 4 worst words in crossfit: Those. Reps. Didn't. Count.

    16 rounds total. Well played Ricky, well played. Awesome job 6am!
  13. Fish Says:
  14. 14 rounds, completed 161 of the 210
  15. hannah eileen Says:
  16. hey y'all! I just wanted to let you know I'll be doing this WOD in my hotel here in DC. I also did a "fun run" with Joe Jonas and Carl Lewis this morning around the mall. It was pretty amazing. See you guys this weekend!
  17. Greg MO Says:
  18. worst thing ever!!!...

    20 rnds
  19. Eric C Says:
  20. Hannah,
    Carl Lewis - cool. Jonas Brothers - hmmmmmmmmm. ;)

    19 Rounds. Missed during the 16 rep round at the end of what I call, "The Triad of Death" 12- 14- 16 reps in a row.
  21. Blog on Life Says:
  22. I. Might. Die.
  23. Jen Says:
  24. This workout actually makes me happy Brady has the flu! I won't be in, I must take care of my little guy. Darn.
  25. Ricky Frausto Says:
  26. It makes me happy too Jen because you don't need any equipment. Not only that, you are pregnant so you only have to touch both knees to the ground which is a bit easier.

    No excuse to not get it done. Come on guys, help me nag her into doing it.

    Don't be another statistic Jen.
  27. Addi Says:
  28. Jen, if I have to do it, you do too. I will come to your house with a stopwatch. And a beer. Just to spite. :)

    17 rounds. About how many I expected to get done, with slightly less agony than expected. I was good until round 11.

    Might come in tonight to do my HSPU, since I was too exhausted to do them at noon. Well, partly to do my HSPU, but mostly to heckle.
  29. Gdawg Says:
  30. This comment has been removed by the author.
  31. Steve Says:
  32. Ok- who's going to be the Xfit Omaha team captain for the First National Bank Trek up the Tower climb?
  33. Eric C Says:
  34. Steve,

    My vote is Jenni.

    We also need someone who works there to let us in a couple times... to train.
  35. Kat Says:
  36. Well I got 17 rounds in, my goal was 15 so I'm glad I exceeded that! I did the 1st 10 rounds with everyone else, round 11, 16 and 17 were the WORST! I'm happy that I didn't get to experience round 19, I might still be laying on the gym floor...GREAT JOB EVERYBODY!!!
  37. Crystal Says:
  38. 15 rounds. That was tough. As much as I hate burpees they are getting easier.

    Great job tonight 6:30.
  39. Gdawg Says:
  40. This comment has been removed by the author.
  41. Mark Says:
  42. 17 rounds. Made it through to round 11 and couldn't finish the 17 in time. After that I let my mind win the battle and I missed two more rounds. Tough workout, I don't think I have ever done that many burpees in one week let alone in one WOD.
  43. Danielle Ostronic Says:
  44. Got 16 full rounds and was on 14 of 16 for the 17th...boooo
  45. Iron Nerd Says:
  46. 14 rounds finished. That was getting really, really rough.
  47. Erica Says:
  48. 14 rounds...I hate burpees...
  49. Rita Says:
  50. 16 rounds.
  52. I stumbled onto this blogpost by accident last week, and loved this rep scheme. We did it in four classes that day, and only one person in each class (myself included) was able to get all 20 rounds.

    Freakin' awesome workout!

    Today we're going to do the first ten minutes of this rep scheme as a warmup, but using chest-to-bar pullups.

    Should be fun!

    Mike in L.A.

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