Thursday 100128

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Hang Power Clean 3RM

From the hang with no squat, try and move the largest weight possible for three reps. The bar must remain in your grip for all three reps in order for the set to count.

If you missed yesterday, you will get a chance to do the burpees today. If you miss today but come in on Friday, you can do them then and if you decide to wait any further than that, we'll make time for you when you finally get a chance to come in.

Post loads lifted to comments.

Megan "Gdawg" Guthmiller getting some cleans in on Sunday.

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31 Responses to "Thursday 100128"

  1. Steve Says:
  2. Eric-
    I think starting Thursday, I'm going to put a weight vest on and start doing step-ups. I have trained in the UNMC Lied Research tower before. I was training for a Mt Rainier climb, and spent many hours in their stairwell with a 50lb pack on.

    Team Captain?
  3. Greg MO Says:
  4. 1/27/10 @ 9:45pm, just finished Tuesday's high bar back squat WOD at Gold's:

    225x15, 250x12, 275x9, 285x6, 300x3
    total= 1335

    Sinclair= 685.235
    % of world record= 137.624
    Siff %= 145.998
    Sinclair-Malone-Metzler= 685.235

    used the crap out of stretch reflex at bottom of squats, thought i was gonna die during last set of 3...
  5. Jenni Says:
  6. I'd be happy to organize this for us. Ricky and Joe -- Are you okay with having a "CFO" team? It's your name after all... As long as we get the nod, I'll get all the info and post it up.
  7. Ricky Frausto Says:
  8. Jenni,
    I'm fine with it. May even be interested in participating. Let me know.

  9. Jen Says:
  10. Complete 16 rounds of "Cardio" at work my cubicle. The wheels fell off in round 17, where I only got 14 reps. - Jeff S
  11. Jake Says:
  12. 155#s, couldn't quite get 175#.

    Great work 6 a.m.
  13. Shelley Says:
  14. 119 x 3; failed at 124 because I didn't get underneath the bar. This was not a great day for me.
  15. BC Says:
  16. 169#
  17. GregP Says:
  18. I got to #115, could not get 120.

    Good work 6am!

    Ricky are you going to post the WOD's for this week in Logwod?
  19. Blog on Life Says:
  20. I really am coming in today to make up the burpee workout. So no cleans... :o( I slept through yesterdays' classes when I took a nap!
  21. Greg MO Says:
  22. 230#x3...felt pretty good

    Nice job 6amers! Way 2 move some major weight Paul Ant!!!

    No more logwod?...
  23. Addi Says:
  24. Nice shoes, Megan! Green and yellow is so hot this season...
  25. Gina Says:
  26. 119#x3, tried 124 and only got it once.

    Great work today 6am!
  27. BigD Says:
  28. 185 x 3 out here in FLA. Did the burpee workout too. Did 17 minutes. The early morning workout helped, plus not so many folks in the gym out here.
    Eric C, sorry won't be able to do the tower run with you guys. My flight doesn't get me back in time.
  29. Gdawg Says:
  30. LOL thanks Addi, I heard all the cool kids were wearing them :-)

    can't wait for this WOD...and then a rest day tomorrow!!!
  31. Rita Says:
  32. 99 x 3. Happy because my 1rm was 92# or 93#. So, form is improving. But....

    Need to stop bending my elbows and need to get under the bar FAST.

    Can't wait until I get those fixes. I want to move some real weight. sigh...
  33. Eric C Says:
  34. For those interested in the stair climbing race (40 stories) we just need Jenni to let us know when she gets Crossfit Omaha signed up as an official 'Team Name'. The rest of us can sign up after that.

    I have heard from others that it's almost full so we need to get on it.

    Also, it's $45. Pricey for 5-7 minutes of Hell. Kind of like paying to due Burpees. : )
  35. Fish Says:
  36. 186# Thanks for the help Joe! Ricky, could you let me know where to order shoes, or if you are going to do a group order again. Thanks Randy
  37. Addi Says:
  38. 142#x3
    147# was a no go.

    This was the perfect follow-up to the last two days. I think I could have gotten a little more weight on there if I hadn't done so damn many HSPUs the last two days.
  39. Danielle Ostronic Says:
  40. I'm down for the Trek to the Top!!
  41. Tovar Says:
  42. I hate to be this guy and use the gym for networking, but I am required to send a as many referrals as I can over to the bank during the 1st quarter of each year. If anyone is new to town or looking for some improved banking options with a very strong bank, I would love to send you over to Wells Fargo to check it out. If you open a new account with Wells there is a $50 bonus in it for you. If anyone is interested my office # is 493-4750. Thanks
  43. linds Says:
  44. 119#x3, got 124# twice and failed on the third one
    Also, did the burpee workout, got 17 rounds that sucked! Nice job Jake!
  45. Jen Says:
  46. 20 rnds of the burpee wrkout, while cooking dinner, cleaning up puke (Brady's), and painting my nails.... truth?? 0 rounds. I will do it....soon. Thanks for the "pep talk" Ricky.
  47. Erica Says:
  48. 104x3 - better than my 1RM weight, so i'm happy :)
  49. Becky Says:
  50. I'll do the Trek to the Top!

    Somehow I got through round 17 of "cardio". Maybe my burpee challenge is helping me get better at these. Nice job today 4:30!
  51. Danielle Ostronic Says:
  52. 109#. I think the hardest part was bringing the bar down and reseting the hook grip.
  53. Gdawg Says:
  54. This comment has been removed by the author.
  55. Gdawg Says:
  56. AND i got 18 DU's tonight...WOOT WOOT!
  57. Danielle Ostronic Says:
  58. 109#. I think the hardest part was bringing the bar down and reseting the hook grip.
  59. Steve Says:
  60. 174, failed 184. Hard to control 184 coming back down.
  61. Kat Says:
  62. I got 136# x 3 and I got 141# up once then on the 2nd time up I smacked my boobie so hard that I decided I was perfectly fine with 136#! Maybe next time I'll be able to get past my road blocks! Good job everybody!

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