Tuesday 100126

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
High Bar Back Squat 15-12-9-6-3 reps

I am looking for who can move the most amount of weight per body-weight. We will use the Sinclair calculation to figure this out. The deal is that you can increase weight each set but can't break up any of the sets. You have to complete all twenty without stopping, all 15 without stopping, all 10 without stopping, and all 5 without stopping. You may rest as much as needed between sets. If you break up a set, you may not count that set towards your total.

Example scoring: 100 for 15, 120 for 12, 140 for 9, 160 for 6, and 180 for 3 would amount to a total weight of 700 pounds. I would take this total and enter into the calculator located HERE, along with body-weight, and year born (year born is utilized to correct for those over 30 years of age). Using my body-weight of 150 and birth year of 1978, my Sinclair would be 441.

Post weights lifted and Sinclair (post bottom Sinclair if different from top Sinclair) to comments.

Is this some fight or what? You gotta like Tessa's grit.

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44 Responses to "Tuesday 100126"

  1. Steve Says:
  2. 'to correct for those over 30'?
  3. Shelley Says:
  4. total weight lifted 908#.
    Sinclair 487.224 and "over 30 age corrected" sinclair is 553.487.

    Great job 6 a.m.!

    This was a fun WOD.
  5. paul Says:
  6. Fun, but not easy.

    total: 1238.

    198, 220, 252, 274, 294

    Great work 6am, and nice lifting with you, Paul Antoniak!
  7. BC Says:
  8. LOVED today's workout. Weights were 132, 169, 198, 220 & 242, 961 total. Sinclair score is 567.9, I have no idea what that means so I'm going to assume it means awesome.
  9. GregP Says:
  10. Great Job 6am!

    132,142,154,164,176, 768 total. Sinclair top 442.4 and age corrected is 597.25.

    Can some one explaing what that all means?
  11. Ricky Frausto Says:
  12. Hey guys,
    The Sinclair is used in Olympic weightlifting to determine a pound for pound lifter.

    This takes into consideration a person's body-weight and year born as the Sinclair takes note those over 30 as having less strength and hormonal advantage once past the 20's.

    At the end of the day, the person with the highest Sinclair will be determined pound for pound the strongest within the rules (rest, recovery, endurance) of this workout.

    Check back often and see where you stack up against others.

    P.S. Paul Au, if you'd be so kind as to check what your Sinclair is and post for the rest of the gym. Thanks bro.
  13. Ricky Frausto Says:
  14. Sinclair Coefficients

    Here is WikiPedia's definition. It gets a little more complicated than what I explained above but basically the same. Only difference is that the world record weight held by the heaviest lifter in the world is taken into consideration as well as a coefficient for this 4 year Olympic cycle.

    For us and our gym, you have the highest Sinclair at the end of the day, you are the best.
  15. Fish Says:
  16. 154,174,198,220,242=988 top sinclair 486.33 over 30 sinclair 575.33
  17. Jake Says:
  18. 793# Sinclair: 445.036.

    I really feel that I could go heavier, I left way too much on the table on the first 3 lifts.
  19. BC Says:
  20. Eric C posted a youtube video of the 6am'ers doing Fran last Friday. It's very Scorcese-ian and very, very cool. I found it by searching crossfit omaha fran, I think it was the second video on the list. Check it out. Great job Eric and thanks - and I love the Irish funeral music, that's about what that felt like.
  21. Shelley Says:
  22. forgot to post individual weights:

    153, 163, 178, 197 and 217.
  23. Gdawg Says:
  24. 217!?!?!? WTF shelley! you're my hero!
  25. Danielle Ostronic Says:
  26. Happy Birthday Teagan!!
  27. Shelley Says:
  28. FYI:

    I played with this and changed my gender from female to male and my over 30 score is 629. This doesn't make sense. Can you explain this Ricky?

    I plugged in 151 for weight and 1970 for year.
  29. Ricky Frausto Says:
  30. Shelley,
    It changes because the coefficient comes from the strongest lifter in the heaviest weight of your sex.

    Obviously this means that the strongest man in the heaviest weight is much stronger than the strongest woman in the heaviest weight. Plus, when you become male, your weight is now on the lower end of the gender which makes you stronger pound for pound.

    Does this make sense? For example, if you weigh 150 as a female and lift what you did, and the strongest lifter in the heaviest weight class successfully lifted 1500 to your 950 (?), you'll get a certain number. Now if you become male, and everything else stays the same, the strongest lifter is now heavier but lets say he still only lifted 1500. Your body-weight is now a fraction of what the new lifter weighs but you lifted still pretty close to what he lifted.

    Does it make sense now?
  31. Gina Says:
  32. I lifted:
    143, 153, 168, 178, and 187 for a total of 829. Sinclair: 394

    Great job everyone today! Good to see you back Lois!
  33. Eric C Says:
  34. 143, 155, 185, 198, 242 = 923.
    Sinclair is : 524.621
    Your % of World Record is : 105.991
    Your Siff % is : 111.524
    Your Sinclair-Malone-Meltzer (Over 30's Age Corrected Sinclair) : 607.511

    These squats felt good. Felt comfortable during all of the lifts. Did deadlifts yesterday (Saturday's WOD) and I didn't feel comfortable doing ANY of them. Something just isn't right there. I may need some one on ones to correct.

    I like age adjusted WODS! KEEP'EM COMING RICKY!!!!
  35. paul Says:
  36. My raw sinclair is 657.
    Age-adjusted is 667.

    I guess being JUST 30 doesn't give you much extra.

    Thanks for explaining the scoring, Ricky!
  37. Anonymous Says:
  38. I don't think mine is right...?? But this is what it 1st two sets I could have done heavier but definitely not my last two! ha!

    Your Sinclair is : 902.712

    Your % of World Record is : 271.484

    Your Siff % is : 328.071

    Your Sinclair-Malone-Meltzer (Over 30's Age Corrected Sinclair) : 902.712
  39. Shelley Says:
  40. That makes sense Ricky.

    I was going under the assumption that a male vs. female with everything being equal (bodyweight, amount lifted and age), the female score would be higher. I wasn't looking at it the way you described.
  41. Anonymous Says:
  42. Ricky calculated mine for me since I cannot plug in numbers ;) 410 :)

    Also - can anyone send me information on "ART" - and anyone who does that type of therapy in Omaha :) Thanks!
  43. Eric C Says:
  44. Hey Reba,

    I have a ton of experience with ART. I worked under one of the instructors (for 3 years) and I have worked at events like the Ironman Triathalon in Kona, Hawaii. If you live or work in West or Northwest Omaha, let me know. If you are down South, it may be more convenient to find you someone else. LMK
  45. Addi Says:
  46. Happy birthday, Teagan!

    Ugh. First 3 sets felt just right - I was dizzy, but I got them done. Didn't get the last 2 sets, wasn't sure if I was allowed to retry them, and quite frankly didn't want to anyways.

    Total weight lifted - 432. (131, 143, 158)
    Sinclair - 215.717

    If I had finished my last two, I still would have only gotten 395.481. Bottom line, I'm big and weak. :)
  47. Paula Says:
  48. This was a fun and interesting WOD!!!

    Did 97,102,109,114,124
    Sinclair= 276.8
    Sinclair-Malone-Meltze(over 30 age) = 316.67

    I felt like I probably could have gone a little heavier.

    I agree with Eric about liking the age adjusting wods but not liking the weight adjustment-Ha!!!

    Hoping we can get this strength camp going!

    Great job - 5am'ers and it was good seeing you back, Lois!!
  49. Anonymous Says:
  50. Damn wish I could have used my KG data I had is what I did...
  51. Unknown Says:
  52. 110,120,154,174,184=742
    Sinclair= 848.162
    Over 30 Sinclair= 897.355
  53. Jenni Says:
  54. 77, 82, 87, 97, 112. Sinclair is 245.056. I think I could've/should've gone heavier today.
  55. BigD Says:
  56. Out here at CFO, Tyndall branch, did 185,205, 225, 245, 275. Totalling 1135
    Sinclair is : 588.487
    Over 30's Age Corrected Sinclair : 639.685

    Fun stuff!
  57. Mark Says:
  58. 1010# for total weight: 549 for my Sinclair.

    I liked this how we did both high reps at middle weight and high weight with low reps.
  59. Kat Says:
  60. Wow I REALLY wish I would have gone heavier for my first 2 sets...I did 132, 142, 157, 169, 189 for a total of 789.
    A thanks to Jo for making me jump 20 lbs from my 4th set to my 5th! Way to go Stace, Jo and Lindsey!

    My Sinclair= 406.856
    % of world record= 125.135
    Siff %= 151.483
  61. Steve Says:
  62. Managed to work side by side with Mark- 154, 174, 198, 220 and 264 for #1010 total. But age made a big dif in scoring:
    Sinclair is : 568.587
    Sinclair-Malone-Meltzer (Over 30's Age Corrected Sinclair) : 672.639
  63. Chad Says:
  64. 154, 174, 198, 220, 264 for a total of 1010.

    Your Sinclair is : 493.754
    Your % of World Record is : 97.061
    Your Siff % is : 105.665
    Your Sinclair-Malone-Meltzer (Over 30's Age Corrected Sinclair) : 543.130
  65. Crystal Says:
  66. 88-102-120-142-147 = 599

    The last reps really got heavy. feel like i haven't done much with heavy squats in awhile. nice job megan.

    Your Sinclair is : 379.025

    Your % of World Record is : 108.248

    Your Siff % is : 137.809

    Great job 6:30.

  67. Eric C Says:
  68. Is anyone doing the 'Trek to the Top' this year? It's the 40 story stair climbing race (1st Natl Tower) at the end of February. I've done it the last 3 yrs. Right now, I'm stuggling to even sign up (because crossfit workouts are kicking my butt).
  69. BigD Says:
  70. Eric, if it is after the 19th, I'm up for it.
  71. Jenni Says:
  72. Eric,

    I'll do it too. It's scheduled for the 20th of February and is $45.00 per person. We can make up a Crossfit Omaha team if we wanted to. The team with the best times wins a prize and I think we've got a good shot.

    - Jen Duffey
  73. Gdawg Says:
  74. This comment has been removed by the author.
  75. Danielle Ostronic Says:
  76. Your Sinclair is : 846.970

    Your % of World Record is : 246.614

    Your Siff % is : 307.618

    Your Sinclair-Malone-Meltzer (Over 30's Age Corrected Sinclair) : 907.952

    Weights were 99,110,121,136, 153. put plates under my feet, because of some flexibility issues :) looking back I wish I would have gone heavier.
  77. Ricky Frausto Says:
  78. Danielle and Reba,
    I think you forgot to put your weight and your total in pounds instead of kilograms. Your weights and your totals would not give you 800 plus Sinclair.

    Try again and re-post
  79. Ricky Frausto Says:
  80. Not Reba, I meant BJ.

  81. Eric C Says:
  82. Jenni,

    Send me an email.

  83. Rita Says:
  84. 87, 97, 104, 109, 119=516#

    Your Sinclair is : 271.142

    Your % of World Record is : 81.837

    Your Siff % is : 100.413

    Your Sinclair-Malone-Meltzer (Over 30's Age Corrected Sinclair) : 301.781

    Form is yet questionable. Thus the pansy weight.

    I like the high bar better than the low bar back squat. At least, it seemed that way today.
  85. Unknown Says:
  86. Corrected info

    110,120,154,174,184= 742

    Sinclair (top) 384.72
    Sinclair (over 30) 407.034
  87. Danielle Ostronic Says:
  88. Here is my new info:

    Your Sinclair is : 384.180

    Your % of World Record is : 111.862

    Your Siff % is : 139.533

    Your Sinclair-Malone-Meltzer (Over 30's Age Corrected Sinclair) : 411.840

Thanks For Visiting!