Wednesday 100106

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Weather Update: We will only be holding a 4:30 PM class this evening. The weather is expected to worsen with the addition of high wind gusts. Hopefully everyone gets this message in time to make the 4:30 class if planning on getting a workout in today.

Keep checking back here for updates concerning tomorrow morning's classes. If the weather worsens as expected, plan on a possible mid-morning class only, held prior to the noon class. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Clean - Find your 1 rep max
(or highest weight achieved 45 minutes into class.)

followed by,

For time:
Partner Leapfrog, 50 reps each

Yes, this is the PE game that some of you may or may not have played when you were young, only this one is our version. Partner one places hands on knees, which is the lowest you are allowed to bring yourself down, while partner two places his hands on partner one's back and jumps over.

Repeat one rep for one rep or any which way will get you to a 100 total reps the fastest.

Post 1RM weight plus partner met-con to comments.

Nooner Pete Isham pulling off a handstand during the middle of wrestling practice. Who's that dummy in the background, ha-ha?

This upcoming Monday, January 11th, CFO will be attempting to start a Women's only CrossFit class. It is a boot camp at the moment but time will tell. This inaugural boot camp will run for 6 weeks at a cost of $180.

Classes will run Monday, Wednesday, and Friday's from 8:30AM to 9:30AM. If you are interested or know of someone that may be interested in trying CrossFit for the first time and likes the idea of a class for women taught by women please email Amanda at

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15 Responses to "Wednesday 100106"

  1. Shelley Says:
  2. 153# 1 RM on clean; PR by 12#'s. Failed twice at 158#.

    Did leap frog with Jess and finished in 7:00. This was a lot of fun! Quads burned a bit afterwards.

    Great job 6 a.m. crew!
  3. Addi Says:
  4. Oy. My pushup muscles hurt.

    Nice PR, Shelley!
  5. paul Says:
  6. 230 clean--10# PR. Sooooo close to 242.

    Partnered up with Tyler for leapfrogs. Those were some high jumps! Nice work, bro! We finished 13:01.

    Impressive cleans, Greg Mo and Paul!
  7. BC Says:
  8. First things first, do we have a mechanic amongst our CFO family? Or does anyone know of a mechanic or service shop that is both good and trustworthy? I have a 4WD Blazer with a non-functioning 4WD, kinda defeats the purpose. Thanks!

    Cleans - no pr today. My current 1rm is 191# and I was really hoping to break 200 but I got stuck at 198# and after about 5 or 6 miserable attempts I threw in the towel. Guess I need to keep drinking the GOMAD and eating the steak dinners for 2.

    Leap frog - Eric and I finished in 7:10. I don't think we were pushing as hard or fast in the beginning as we should have, we were having too much fun.
  9. Eric C Says:
  10. To start off: I think I am mature enough not to make jokes about Greg Mo's sack being on Big Pauls head. Amanda was laughing so hard, I thought she was going to pee her pants! : )

    1RM clean: 208 tied PR and stopped their. I almost blew a headgasket trying to get that up. (tired legs)

    I tried to keep all of my parts away from BC's head during leapfrog. Although I punched him in the face on one of the reps 'cause he turned his head at the wrong time.
  11. paul Says:
  12. Tyler and I pursued a "Sack Optional" policy on leapfrog. Neither of us exercised the option.
  13. hannah eileen Says:
  14. bc, my favorite mechanic is Searl Auto Body on 87th and Maple-ish. Mark is the main guy. He's amazing.
  15. Mel C Says:
  16. Still not letting me sign in for classes! I am coming to 4:30. Then getting trained on this signing in thing.
  17. Gina Says:
  18. Hit a new PR today with 124 on the cleans. Leap frog was interesting, I partnered with Christina and looked pretty ridiculous for approx 9 min.
  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. you guys staying open tonight or closing?
  21. Tovar Says:
  22. No 6:30 class. Weak sauce!!!!!!!
  23. Anonymous Says:
  24. I am so sad. I have been sooo sick with this wicked nasty cough and I was feeling better enough to come and do a clean or two and we close!! Sad day. 4:30 enjoy!
  25. Gdawg Says:
  26. This comment has been removed by the author.
  27. Anonymous Says:
  28. Clean and Jerked - hit 270 for the day...

    HSPU 3X8 - I still suck at these
    SL Good Mornings 3X8EA - Just 85#
    DB Row 3X10 - 55's

    1st WOD:
    10 min run - AFAP - 1.6 miles

    5 Hours Rest

    2nd WOD:
    Variation of the Main Site WOD-
    50 Wall Balls (20#)
    25 Butterfly Pull Ups
    4RDS with 90 secs rest between RDS
    - Strived for consistency
    1st RD - 2:40
    2nd RD - 2:45
    3rd RD - 2:55
    4th RD - 3:01 :(

    Justin VanBeek
  29. Addi Says:
  30. Clean - 154# (previous PR)

    Forget everything you know about Olympic lifting. The Sumo-pull Clean is taking the world by storm, one absent-minded, very hungry CrossFitter at a time.

    Leapfrogged with Jess J. and Tessa. Went way over the 10 minute mark, because we started slow and didn't know they had started the clock. Lots of fun!

Thanks For Visiting!