Thursday 100107

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
No 5AM or 6AM classes this morning. We will be holding a 9:30AM class in their place. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause you.

Clean - Find your 1 rep max
(5:30 and 6:30 PM classes)

followed by,

As many rounds in 15 minutes of:
3 Handstand Pushups
5 Strict Pull-ups
7 Rockstars

As many rounds in 12 minuts of:
1 Handstand Pushup
3 Strict Pull-ups
5 Rockstars

As many rounds in 15 minutes of:
3 Pushup Variation (feet elevated, ring pushups, etc.)
5 Pull-up Variation (kipping, strict w/ band, etc.)
7 Rockstars

Choose your level, A, B, or C, and perform with superb technique. Worry less about rounds completed and more about form. Don't allow strict pull-ups to turn into a hybrid strict/kip pull-up.

Post experience to comments.

6am'er Paul Antoniak thought he would try a handstand atop a drift. The drift thought it would be better if he performed it a little closer to the ground, as he fell through.

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18 Responses to "Thursday 100107"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. Yipppy! I
  3. Addi Says:
  4. My sinus situation is reaching a climax today, so I'll spare everyone from having to wade through the mucus puddling under my handstands. Going to work on handstands at home and start the 100 pushups program. Sorry, shoulders.
  5. paul Says:
  6. what's the 100 pushups program!?
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. Whats a Rockstar??
  9. Hilg Says:
  10. Well, snowed in once again. All the roads are closed in Wash. County. Addi, very interested in the 100 pushups program! Will do that one in the basement with the tunes cranked.

    Will make the 6am tomorrow morning...hell or high drift!

  11. Eric C Says:
  12. Rockstar: Bouts of 30 second dance moves trying to emulate Jon Day. (whiteman's overbite optional)
  13. Addi Says:
  14. Started doing this last winter, I think, but because I'm... well, me... I didn't follow it through. Because I forget to do stuff. Pushups have gotten a lot better, but I always need more upper body strength, so I figure it'll be a kick in the right direction.

    Also, if you fools aren't reading Sage Burgener's blog, you should be, because she's ridiculous and she's always dropping little bits of Oly wisdom. Really liked this post: Good stuff about not getting down about bad performances and also how to stop the "hump and hop." Which may or may not be exactly what it sounds like. :)
  15. Addi Says:
  16. Also, definitely watch that video of her roommate trying to C&J her. Looks like fun. I want to watch someone try this in person.
  17. Addi Says:
  18. Just did my first pushup day - per the website's advice, I'm starting on Week 3 in Column 2. The numbers looked daunting, but I got through them. Definitely still sore from making up the SDHP/pushups on Tuesday. Sinus drainage compounded my difficulties. :) My final set was only 13, but I was planning on redoing the Day 1 on Monday anyways to keep a MWF schedule for it, so no sweat.
  19. BC Says:
  20. Came in at 9am and did 3 HSPU, 5 pullups, 7 rockstars for 15 min. My HSPU were w/ 2 ab mats and kipping - this was the first time I ever tried kipping HSPU before so I'm glad I got to work on them, with some work I think I can get them w/full range of motion before sectionals. Pullups were strict, and rockstars were with a training plate but definitely could've been heavier. 5 rounds total and change. Nice job Joe, Paula and Rita.
  21. Anonymous Says:
  22. I did 1 HSPU, 3 strict pullups, and 5 rockstars with a training plate. I completed 9 rounds.

  23. Eric C Says:
  24. For all of you off work today, here's a link to a sweet video off of the main page.

    Crossfit Omaha needs to get a video out. Something cool like this.

  25. Allison H :) Says:
  26. 8 rounds scaled:
    3 HSPUs with purple/tan bands
    5 kipping PU negatives (ouch!!)
    7 rockstars w/ bar

    (finished 3 HSPUs in 9th round when time was called...)
    great job 4:30 peeps :)
  27. Anonymous Says:
  28. So glad I made it in tonight (of course that was after Joe, Jon and Neil pushed my stuck care out of the snow :) ) because I PR'd by 10 LBS!
  29. kahrs Says:
  30. Made a 2 pound PR, hit 230. Thanks Joe and Jon for the help.
  31. Addi Says:
  32. Friday classes??
  33. Shelley Says:
  34. Group WOD was fun this a.m. Small group I imagine because of the freezing temps.

    Averaged 1:48 on 500 m row time (rowed 200 meters per cycle) and 21 wall balls per cycle. Our team of Lindsey, Christina and myself did well and had fun.

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  35. Tovar Says:
  36. Wow! Ricky must be so depressed from watching Texas lose last night that he hasn't gotten around to updating the blog:) Ha!

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