Tuesday 100105

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Rest Day

Another cool handstand shot. This is of 5am'er David Paladino in front of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France.

Paris, France is a very cool spot but so is Omaha. Take a chance. Grab a camera, a friend, and find a spot. Even if it takes a hundred attempts, get a still of yourself in a handstand and send it my way.

Thank you guys very much for your cooperation in trying to get signed up for classes. I would say it was a success and would encourage you to keep up the good work. If you are still having trouble signing in please let myself or Kylie know as soon as possible.

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10 Responses to "Tuesday 100105"

  1. paul Says:
  2. Great job, 6am. Greg and Jeff, I was damned impressed by your King Kong efforts.

    I did last cycle's AMRAP in 22 min:

    5 toes to bar
    7 20" box jumps
    9 65# thrusters

    13 rds.
  3. Blog on Life Says:
  4. I can't sign in! I even made sure it was the correct user name and password. I will be there at 4:30pm.
  5. Eric C Says:
  6. King Kongers are BEASTS. That was crazy effort.

    I did Deadlift 5x3 268
    SDHP 132 pushups. 10/50.

    It was a hodge-podge at the gym, but everyone was hitt'n it hard.
  7. Greg MO Says:
  8. so...i foolishly tried the "King Kong" WOD rxd with:

    3 rounds of:
    1 DL (464#)
    2 muscle ups
    3 full cleans (252#)
    4 HSPUs


    Wasn't really mentally prepared 2 give this 1 an honest effort 2day, i got through 1 full round rxd in about the time i started round 2 i couldnt pull the rxd DL...sad...i ended up scaling back the last 2 rnds to a 374# DL and 242# cleans...took me about 25:00 total to finish the whole thing...Geez...need 2 prepare mentaly and prolly get alot stronger b4 i try this 1 rxd again...

    Nice work 6amers!
  9. Steve Says:
  10. I'll be inn at 5:30. There must be a cut-off to the sign-in blocks, as it shows slots open at 5:30 but won't let me sign in.

  11. BigD Says:
  12. Did the double-under/OH squat WOD. DNF. Got 16 of the set of 20 DU's when time was called. DU's are definitely my downfall, but I strung together a few successful ones, so that's an improvement. Thanks for the encouragement Jess. And the King Kong guys are frickin' beasts!
  13. Teresa Says:
  14. I love the white mime gloves. So very French of you David!
  15. linds Says:
  16. Today I made up a workout with Kylie's help.
    4 rounds:
    300m row
    25 back extensions
    2 rope climbs (no legs)

    Didn't keep track of time, each row was about 1:15.
  17. Gdawg Says:
  18. This comment has been removed by the author.
  19. Addi Says:
  20. Backsquats 5x3- 174# - these felt pretty good, but it was hard to find a position for my shoulders where they didn't get tweaked.

    7 SDHP/30 pushups - DNF. I had 8 pushups left at the cutoff, which was better than I expected. Pushups slowed down at the end, but not as much as they have in the past.

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