Tuesday 100112

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Dead-lift - 85% x 5 x 1

This means that you will work up to one work set of 5 reps at 85% of your 1RM. I would recommend two sets of 5 reps, a set of 3 reps, and a set of 2 reps as warm-up. If you are a 400 pound plus lifter and need additional warm-up sets, I would recommend doing a set or two extra at two reps.

If you complete your set of 5 at 85% with relative ease, you may complete one more set with additional weight after a full 3 to 5 minute recovery.

followed by,

For time:
30 Double Pushup Burpees

After each second pushup, you are required to fully extend your arms, off the ground, out to your side before bringing them back in and completing the burpee.

Post dead-lift weight lifted and met-con time to comments.

Really cool story. Enjoy.

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9 Responses to "Tuesday 100112"

  1. paul Says:
  2. Great work, as always, 6am!

    DL: 396x5
    metcon: 3:40
  3. GregP Says:
  4. Welcome Jake to 6am! Great job everyone. DL 220, Burpees 3:03

  5. Jake Says:
  6. Thanks Greg.

    DL 330 X 5
    Burpees 4:28 (thanks Team for the push)

    Great work everyone.
  7. Hilg Says:
  8. DL 375 X5 (Second round)

    2:36 Metcon

    Circle of trust for the Metcon....6am stepping it up! ;-)

  9. Shelley Says:
  10. DL: 278x5 (90%) after completing first set 261x5 (85%). It looked like several people were getting more than 85% this morning. Great job!!

    Metcon 3:07.

    Welcome Jake!
  11. Gina Says:
  12. DL: 231
    Metcon: 3:49- I was surprised at my time, I didn't really expect to finish in the 5 min cutoff, but managed to finish fairly quickly.

    Nice work everyone! Great 6am class as always!
  13. Allison H :) Says:
  14. 165#x5 as rxd 85% - could have gone heavier but time didn't allow for today.

    3:28 on metcon. Felt good. I love burpees (most days)... but after yesterdays wod my quads are eating my body alive they hurt sooo bad! Made for slower burpees... Ouch!
    great job nooners and daaaaaaamn tyler a!!!! you're f***ing fast!
    welcome back dj!
  15. Addi Says:
  16. 264#x5 Realized halfway through that I just did 5RM DL on Saturday (kind of - got bored and quit at 242) so this should probably have been a bit higher.

    3:20 metcon - Not as brutal as I thought it would be. My arms were burning, but I could have cut out quite a bit of rest.
  17. Eric C Says:
  18. Whopping 286 on the deadlift. Did the metcon in 2:30ish. Fun day today! Thanks to the 5:30 for letting me sub in.

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