Monday 100111

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
2 rounds for time of:
100 Air Squats
80 Push Presses, 44#/33# empty bar
60 KB Swings, 1.5/1 pood
40 Box Jumps, 20 inch box
20 Pull-ups

Post time to comments.

Wes Hubka working the double-under.

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11 Responses to "Monday 100111"

  1. Rita Says:
  2. DNF - made it to the 3rd KB swing of the second round.

    Did not realize there would be a 3 minute break before the last 3 minutes.

    Good work, 5:00 am!

  3. paul Says:
  4. Rough! Got through all the swings of round 2 at the 22min cutoff. They gave us 3 min rest, and then 3 min to finished. I finished in another 2:23, for a grand total of 27:23.

    Nice work, 6am! This took a lot of will power!
  5. Eric C Says:
  6. Damn you Paul Audi. You push me too hard... and now I want to take a nap at work. ;) Also, congratulations on your engagement!

    Had 13 swings left at the 22 min mark. (swings were Bah-rutal for me).
    Finished in 27:47.

    Nice work 6 am.

    Any Paleo peeps (or anyone else who wants to look like a super chef). Try this braised beef brisket recipe. It is seriously straight up money.
  7. Gina Says:
  8. This was tough today, DNF. I got through half the second set of squats before the first cut-off. Three minutes later I finished the squats and got about 35 push presses in.
    Nice work everyone at 6am. Great way to start off a week :)
  9. Hilg Says:
  10. That was brutal but I'm sure the Holiday Cheer I'm wearing isn't helping any.

    Had 15 Squats (rnd 2) left after the 22 min thru 56/80 push presses with the addl' 3 min. Swings were the toughest for me and I had to start by breaking to 10s but was able to hold that breakup.

    Great job 6amers!

  11. Gdawg Says:
  12. This comment has been removed by the author.
  13. Allison H :) Says:
  14. DNF!! Made it to 46 kbs in second rd.

    Legs don't feel good!
  15. Addi Says:
  16. boo Body Pump Lite! (This is by far the least/most offensive name I came up with.)

    DNF - made it through 29 push press before the 22 minute cutoff, and 49 swings during the 5 minutes after. Had to use a 44# bar for the first round because of the HUGE 5:30 class, but got to use a 33# for the second round. Thanks, Courtney! Those 11# made a big difference!

    Not thrilled with my performance, but it's about what I expected. Should have rested less, pushed myself harder, blah blah blah.
  17. Shelley Says:
  18. finished in 28:31 Rx'd; had 9 swings left at the 22 minute mark so took me 3:31 to finish the WOD after the rest; push press and swings were the toughest.

    Great job 4:30 class! This was a big class.
  19. Unknown Says:
  20. Addi, that is the best name I didn't think of. I am with you, body pump lite... Ha-ha.

    You had to figure this would be the most attended workout of the year, right? Go figure.....

    In any case, that was tough if you came close to finishing. I would say that if you made it past push presses in the 22 minutes... not bad.
    If you made it past kb swings in the 22..... holy shit.
    If you made it to the box jumps in the 22...... youz a bad ass.
    Those that had only pull-ups left or beyond in 22 minutes.... I sorely underestimated your abilities as this one was vomit inducing.

    Great job to all that showed up today. It is so much more fun when there is a bunch of people working out alongside you.

    If you did this workout, please post your results to logwod. If you do not have an account, email me and I'll set you up with one.

    Good day.
  21. BC Says:
  22. DNF. Made it through 96 squats at the 22:00 mark, then was able to get through 60 push presses in the bonus 3:00. This was just a grinder.

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