Monday 100104

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
50/25 - 40/20 - 30/15 - 20/10 - 10/5 rep rounds for time of:
Double Unders
Overhead Squats (98#/63#)

For example, do 50 double unders and 25 overhead squats for the first round, 40 double unders and 20 overhead squats for the second round, and so on until all rounds are completed.

You can substitute single unders for double unders at an 8 to 1 ratio. The numbers are 400-320-240-160-80. Or you can also no pushup burpees, rep for rep.

Post time to comments.

Lindsey Herrera upside down in front of McDonalds. Awesome.

I am still looking for more handstands so if you are in a peculiar place, pop upside down and get a still of it.

A reminder to all of those that have yet to sign up for at least tomorrow's classes. Please click on the class sign-in link, log in to your account, and sign in. This will help us to keep track of your attendance to better serve your needs and goals.

The sign in sheet will be printed off and if you attend class but did not sign in, we will assume you had trouble logging in or signing in and will help you to get things squared away.

Make Changes That Last, Chip and Dan Heath -

Post thoughts to comments.

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20 Responses to "Monday 100104"

  1. JimmyG Says:
  2. I can't wait for this WOD!!!!!! I'm shooting for the 1630 class tomorrow, but don't be mad if I have to show up for the 1730.
  3. JimmyG Says:
  4. I can't remember my Mind Body login...consider the above comment my sign up for now. sorry for the inconvenience.
  5. Becky Says:
  6. I won't be able to make this one today all. Good luck and have fun. Hopefully I can make this up tomorrow.
  7. BC Says:
  8. DNF. Did the first full round rx'd then had to drop down to 88# for the rest and still didn't finish in time. I felt like I've spent the last month drinking and eating like crap...oh wait, I have.
  9. Shelley Says:
  10. DNF: went Rx'd. At the 16 minute cutoff I had 4 DU's left on the round of 20. I took the rest that Ricky gave us and finished the WOD at 18:18. This time didn't include the rest time which I'm guessing was a couple minutes. DU's were good; OHS I struggled with. The last 2 sets of OHS were the only ones I did unbroken and all sets prior were mostly done in sets of 2 and 3 with the exception of the first set where I still never got more than 5 in a row without resting.
    Definitely need to improve a lot on OHS.
    Good job 6 a.m crew!
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. I cannot remember my sign on codes. But this week, 5:30 M-Thurs and noon on Friday. Today might be 430 if I can wrap up work by then.....:)
  13. Eric C Says:
  14. DNF, but great WOD! It beat me down. I didn't think the OHS were going to be that tough! I was close to max effort, but I may be a little soft right now. Had 5 OHS left. Finished after time was called.

    Now, 30 days of Paleo..... (YIKES!)
  15. Danielle Ostronic Says:
  16. Happy 30th Reba!!

    I am not looking forward to this WOD, OHS are my nemesis, so bring it.

    Also started Paleo today, good luck Eric, you can do it :)
  17. Hilg Says:
  18. I was pretty apprehensive on the drive in the morning.....these two activities are my two worst! The -21 degree reading on my dashboard made me feel better! ;-)

    DNF with 88# on OHS and I tried DUs even though I still couldn't do 2 in a row. During the workout I actually pulled off 2 in a row a couple times with a couple singles worse as I got tired.

    I've learned to accept CF as a constant work in progress, like golf, I'll never be THERE. I love that about this culture!

  19. Crystal Says:
  20. Happy Birthday Reba!!
  21. Allison H :) Says:
  22. i have a weird schedule on days! if i come tues or wed the only time i can come is 5am. but its really cutting it close to making it to work... Thurs i will either be there at 6 am, or 4:30 pm. Friday at noon. Day shifts are not condusive to cf class times! at least for now as i get used to it... ugh! having a horrible time sleeping!!! have fun with this wod all!
  23. Addi Says:
  24. I was signed up for 4:30, but things changed and I'll be in at 5:30 - the register button for that class isn't there anymore, so I thought I'd give a heads-up here.
  25. paul Says:
  26. Ouch! I think I got a little soft working out at other crossfits.

    DNF in 16. 2 min rest, then another 3:54 to finish. Not my finest hour.
  27. hannah eileen Says:
  28. ugh. that was rough. 15:15 with 53#. great job nooners!
    happy birthday, reba!
  29. Anonymous Says:
  30. Looked like a good WOD and I havent hit either movement lately so....

    Heavy on Push Jerk first
    4X2 - 198, 220, 242, and got 265 for 1, missed the second rep

    BK Ext - 3X12 with 45,70,90#
    GHD Sit Ups - I really suck at these... just slow 3X12

    DU's and OH Squats
    - Only missed once on the DU's
    - Broke up the OH Squats too much, my shoulders were on fire
    ** 6:00 right on the nose...

    Justin VanBeek
  31. Courtney B Says:
  32. Well I certainly messed up the sign in today. Between forgetting to set an alam last night and missing 6am and the last 50 some min that I just spent stuck in traffic and missing the 5:30 I'd say crossfit was a bust for me today. hopefully 5:30 tomorrow will work put better. Anyway, sorry about the signin issue, have a goodnight all.
  33. Paula Says:
  34. 18:08- 5am had 20" cut off. Used 38# OHS (35% 1rm). The first set of DU's went REALLY slow, but got better as I went.

    Then-Rita and I came in at 400 to do the 5K Row. Holy crap is all I can say. Finished in 25:12.

  35. Mark Says:
  36. 14:29 Rx'd. Those OHS were tougher than I expected.
  37. Addi Says:
  38. 9:58 rx'd. This was just what I needed to beat the holidays out of me. DUs were unbroken except for the round of 30, when my rope caught the bumpers and/or rings behind me on #2. OHS felt pretty decent, but I needed a lot of breath-catching rest. Apparently, power-walking Bourbon St. didn't maintain my conditioning like I had hoped it would.
  39. linds Says:
  40. 16:30 rx'd. OHS got heavy.

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