Friday 100129

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Rest Day

Crystal shows us a solid receiving position for the clean.

Sorry I haven't updated LogWod as of late. I went in last night and entered all of the workouts we did over the last cycle.

For the High Bar Back Squat workout, enter your Sinclair and not your total. Danielle Baker and BJ, I noticed that your Sinclair's were abnormally high. I suspect that you entered total weight as kilograms instead of pounds. If you could re-check that, it would be great.

As a bonus, since I hadn't been keeping up with logwod, I posted Saturday's workout a day in advance. You can look there or you can look on the main-site today. They're both the same workout.

I am interested in doing Trek up the Tower. Are you? If you are, there is a small group of guys formulating a CFO team. They will be posting information in the gym shortly. If you are interested, post to comments that you are, and someone will be in contact with you about it.

It will be an awesome time. For more information, visit the website here.......

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19 Responses to "Friday 100129"

  1. Gdawg Says:
  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
  3. Shelley Says:
  4. I'm interested in doing the Trek up the Tower.
  5. Unknown Says:
  6. I am very interested in trekking up some tower!

    -Jess Jenkins
  7. Addi Says:
  8. Glad I looked at Saturday's. I will be taking my rest day today and NOT coming in to do way too many HSPU. My shoulders need a nap.
  9. Jenni Says:
  10. I'm happy to hear people are going to do the trek! Send me an email at and I'll add you to the list. I'll get everything put together over the weekend and send out an email to anyone interested. Ricky, you can list my email on the blog as well if you'd like. Thanks!

    -- Jen Duffey
  11. Mark Says:
  12. Came in this morning and did tomorrow's WOD since I have to work tomorrow morning... Set the bar pretty low for all you out there with a whopping 214 reps. I'm not sure what the deal was but I was only able to crank out 24 HSPU's in 10 minutes today.
  13. Nichole Says:
  14. Super interested in Trek!
  15. Jake Says:
  16. I've been using the Rest Days as days to do skill work.

    Double unders are still my nemesis.
  17. Jenni Says:
  18. Okay if you want to do the Trek we need to sign up today. I tried creating a team this morning and was informed it was full. After making some phone calls, I got them to open up some slots for us. They didn't specify how many they would open but they're open to everyone (including other teams).

    If you'd like to sign up go to and click the "register here". Once that redirects you, you can pull down the menu to find the Crossfit Omaha team. I'm signed up to go at 9:30. If you get registered, shoot me an email at to let me know!

    Good luck!

  19. Fish Says:
  20. Did the workout Christine this morning. 14:57 Did 154# dead lift instead of body weight, still working out some back issues. Fun workout though, Great job on the burpees Paula, you looked lonesome over there.
  21. Unknown Says:
  22. Yesss to Trek!! Sounds like fun, heard it's intense!
  23. Greg MO Says:
  24. CHALLENGE 2 CFO!!!

    not really but anyway...Nicole Mcleod, Stacie Tovar, and Greg Morales will also be competing in the "Trek up the Tower" event on a team sponsored by our company, SimplyWell...

    May the best team win!!!
  25. Steve Says:
  26. Jenni-
    Couldn't get in. Called their contact, number- they're checking to see if there are any more slots available and will call me back.

    You may be representing CFO!

  27. Shelley Says:
  28. I had the same thing happen Steve. I want to do it if more slots become available.
  29. Paula Says:
  30. Made up the Burpee WOD this morning all alone! Couldn't convince anyone to do it again with me.
    Did 17 rds. I surprised myself...I was hoping for 14 rds. I couldn't have gotten the last round without Amanda's encouragement. She really helped me push through. Thanks Amanda!!!

    Great job 5am'ers with Fran and Christine!!! And of course can't forget our firefighters Joe and Jeremy-Great job on the cleans!!!
  31. Jenni Says:
  32. Steve and Shelley- I also requested they open more spots (for the second time today) so hopefully they will. If not I know of four people, including me, who got registered. If one of you hear they opened it, hop on the blog and let everyone know. I'll do the same.
  33. paul Says:
  34. did the hang power clean 3RM: 198.
  35. Allison H :) Says:
  36. Wow! What a day back at it!!!
    Ran 4 miles before 4:30 class... came in and made up Burpee remix! Just Kevin and I doing this one... great work! And glad I had someone to do this with!
    I got 16 rds
    ..then did the hang power clean 3rm, got 92# and decided that was good enough for me today... prob could have done more weight if I hadn't ran or did burpees prior to...
    oh well... all felt good! Looking forward to tomorrow's wod!!! hope work gives me on-call so I can come in :)
  37. Eric C Says:
  38. Did the 3 RM hang power clean today. 198. I had 208 twice, but not 3 times. If I knew Paul Audi did 208 I would have strapped 1 more pound of tape on my bar. (luv ya Paul!)

    I love the Friday 5:30 class! Got to watch people suffer thru the burpee guantlet while G Okief and I strolled thru the HPC wod. It felt like happy hour. We would clean a few times. Watch people burpee. Clean a few more times. Watch people wish they were dead. Then hang out and socialize. The best CrossfitOmaha day EVER! (for me, not the poor burpee bastards)

Thanks For Visiting!