Saturday 100109

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Okay guys, we're back up and running. Sorry for the delay. Hope no one got too scared when they didn't see a workout posted.

Rest Day.

How about a New Year's handstand? Dustin gives us one all dressed up.

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5 Responses to "Saturday 100109"

  1. Gdawg Says:
  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
  3. paul Says:
  4. Intimate 9am group as well. Where is everyone? You'll only be colder if you don't work out!

    I, on the other hand, will feel like I have a fever and want to eat everything in the house by around 8pm tonight. Why, you ask? Because I worked out with Killer Kahrs, and we did something BRUTAL!!

    on 3 minute intervals:

    12 back squats (198#)
    12 pullups

    OUCH! managed to get all sets of squats unbroken, and all but 1 set of pullups. that was truly exhausting.
  5. kahrs Says:
  6. Paul I agree it was BRUTAL, the last two rounds of pull ups were hard. Chocolate milk and Farmhouse saved me though. Joe great job with that workout.
  7. BigD Says:
  8. Since this weekend will probably be my only free time down here during NCO academy, took advantage and drove two hours to Ft. Walton Beach FLA to work out with CrossFit Ft Walton. Good bunch of folks! If any of you ever come down to the area, Jesse and her staff will take good care of you guys.
    Today they decided to do an outdoor workout. They sent out a warning to dress warm since it was a blistery 27 degrees. Wussies!
    We all drove out to some lake, Bearcrawl trail, or something like that. Did about ten uphill sprints on hard terrain. Then did a lap around the lake. Just under two miles of all types of terrain. Hills, mud, water to jump over, ect... Whole time I kept thinking "no snakes, no snakes!"
    After a few minutes to recover did three rounds of A.) one minute 20 yd fireman carry runs, B.)one minute burpees, and C.) one minute bench jumps.
    We were supposed to partner up with someone close to our weight for the fireman carry. Just my luck I get the guy that weighs 280 lbs! Only fell face-first once. And to finish off, did one more lap around the lake. I finished strong to represent CFO!
    Since we have been stuck inside the last few weeks due to snow, it was nice to get out and get some running in. But I'd much rather work out at CFO! See you guys in 6 weeks!
  9. paul Says:
  10. Damn, Dave! Hardcore!

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