Saturday 100130

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
10 Minutes Handstand Pushups
5 Minutes Squats
2 Minutes Pull-ups
1 Minute Push-ups

Post reps to comments.

Kevin J, locking it out overhead. It's good have good people like Kevin, a part of the team.

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14 Responses to "Saturday 100130"

  1. Fish Says:
  2. Did 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 air squats-pushups for time today before work 5:47
  3. Shelley Says:
  4. 240 total reps; used purple, tan and green band from ceiling for HSPU's.
  5. Addi Says:
  6. 204 reps; green, purple, purple from ceiling. Kipped my HSPUs for the first time. Pretty happy, but need to get better at air squats. (Okay, I need to get better at ALL of them, but the squats should have been a lot better.)

    Also, tried to kip a HSPU without bands and got my head off the ground for the first time! Twice! Nowhere near locking out, but I'll take it.
  7. Allison H :) Says:
  8. Gosh darnit! No on-call for me this weekend!
    Enjoy the wod today... I will def be doing this one asap!
  9. Gdawg Says:
  10. This comment has been removed by the author.
  11. paul Says:
  12. Pretty fun. got 254 reps. a whopping 4 HSPU (all kipping), but I am damned proud of getting any of those. 196 squats, 30 pullups, 24 pushups.

    great work, 9am!
  13. Jake Says:
  14. 199 reps.

    Great work 9 a.m.

  15. Mark Says:
  16. I did this one yesterday at 6AM. 24 HSPUs, 126 squats, 37 pull-ups and 27 push-ups. Total was 214.

    I should have been able to do a lot more HSPUs and squats but I guess it just wasn't in my cards yesterday.
  17. Steve Says:
  18. 252 as rx'd. Two short of Paul A. If I'd had known it was that close, I could've cranked out three more pushups!
  19. Jenni Says:
  20. I got stuck working today so had to do this on base. I just did handstand holds against the wall so I didn't even bother counting reps. My holds are getting better and lasting longer but I'm nowhere close to a pushup. Eventually it'll get there. My wrists and forearms are going to love me tomorrow :)
  21. paul Says:
  22. Jake Hinkle, you are an f-ing ANIMAL!
  23. Allison H :) Says:
  24. ya he is!
  25. Michael Says:
  26. 66 HSPU
    200 Squats
    30 Pull ups
    44 Push ups

    Total 340 * Used a 20# vest*
  27. Danielle Ostronic Says:
  28. Total 259. I used bands from the ceiling for HSPU and got 47, 175 squats, 20 pullups, 17 pushups. I think those are the right breakdowns.

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