Sunday 100124

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
In two teams of equal numbers,
Each team will attempt to reach the heaviest total weight between all members in both the power snatch and the squat clean. Each team member may only count one of each of their lifts towards each movements respective total but may attempt as many lifts as desired. There will be three totals competed, the power snatch, the squat clean, and both totaled together (tiebreaker).

This is not a timed workout and each team member is only encouraged to lift as heavy as they are capable. It is only a strength day with added scoring. If a team member can not participate in one or both lifts for any reason (injury), their substitution will be determined by the opposite team but only for the opportunity to achieve a number matching the lowest load lifted on their team.

Each team is given 25 minutes per lift, with the squat clean being contested first. Further rules will be given during warm-up. This is a great opportunity to get some personal training in the lifts.

Post whether a part of team A or team B and your heaviest lifts for both movements to comments.

Jess Jenkins preparing to go overhead.

Open gym time at 1PM. Hope to see a lot of you there. This will be a good workout for anyone that wants attention in these variations of the Olympic lifts.

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7 Responses to "Sunday 100124"

  1. Addi Says:
  2. Wouldn't you know it - best day of the week, and I picked up a shift at work. If I'm out in time, I'll be there. More likely, I'll be pouting somewhere else.
  3. Jake Says:
  4. Good luck Sunday crew, I already worked out this morning. You can tell I'm a newbie as I didn't know CrossFit was open on Sunday.

    6 am'ers, I'll see you in the morning!
  5. Shelley Says:
  6. Was on Team B; cleaned 151# and power snatched 97#. Ran out of time on cleans, missed at 102# on power snatch.
  7. Donohoe Says:
  8. Sunday funday? mmmm maybe, maybe not I finished 220 on clean and 184 on snatch, was happy with clean but my snatch was disappointing. It was a great wod though.
    Great job everyone,
    Donohoe is outta heeeeerrrreee
  9. Gina Says:
  10. I got a new PR on the clean with 131, snatch, 97. Great job everyone today!
  11. GregP Says:
  12. Team A, #142 Clean, #103 Snatch #10PR on both.

    Fun Sunday workout, Great Job everyone!
  13. Gdawg Says:
  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

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