Saturday 100123

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Pushup - find 1 rep max for the day, followed by 85% x 5 x 3

Quickly find your one rep max in the pushup using bumpers placed across your back. You must place the bumper(s) just below the shoulder blades. Doing this will tax both upper body strength and mid-line stability.

Once you find your 1RM (it must be a legit, perfect rep), take 85% and complete 3 perfect sets of 5 reps with about 2 to 3 minutes rest between sets.

followed by,

For time:
10 Med Ball Burpee Clean Wall Ball @ 20#/14#
5 Dead-lifts @ 330#/225#
8 Med Ball Burpee Clean Wall Ball
4 Dead-lifts
6 Med Ball Burpee Clean Wall Ball
3 Dead-lifts
4 Med Ball Burpee Clean Wall Ball
2 Dead-lifts
2 Med Ball Burpee Clean Wall Ball
1 Dead-lift

With the med ball on the floor in front of you, perform a burpee by touching your chest to the ball, then cleaning the ball, and finally shooting the ball to the ten foot target above. You must get your hips fully extended while cleaning the ball and then pulling yourself into a squat where the crease of the hip falls below the top of your knee. This is a must for the rep to count.

Dead-lifts are to be completed with no bounce. In fact, you must completely open your hands after every rep (hands can remain on the bar). You may not drop the bar at any time during the workout or the rep must be repeated.

Post max weighted pushup as well as 3 sets of 5 weight and met-con time to comments.

Irv Wattier during warm-ups.

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Take a look and let us know what you think. We hope that it helps you explain a little better what CrossFit is and how it has affected your life.

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12 Responses to "Saturday 100123"

  1. Gdawg Says:
  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
  3. Shelley Says:
  4. 1 RM on pushup 49#; didn't complete 3 x 5 Rx'd at 43#; could get first 3 reps and then had 10# removed to finish with 33#.

    4:42 metcon Rx'd. Had to redo so many of med ball cleans in first round because I didn't get hip fully extended and had to redo a couple in later rounds also. DL's felt good/easy even with taking hands off bar each rep.
  5. Jake Says:
  6. I RM 142 lb pushup, but ha dto drop to a red and a green for 3 x 5

    Metcon - 242 lb. deadlift., 6:47?? (its sad I can't remember).

    Good work everyone.
  7. paul Says:
  8. pushups: 142 (or 131?) max, 3x5 at 87.

    mecton: 5:56 using 352.

    DL felt heavy today. but i feel great now.
  9. Crystal Says:
  10. 33#-1 RM pushup. didn't make it thru 3x5 at 27#. tried 1 PU at 27# and didn't get it. tried 1 PU at 22# and couldn't get that either then time was called. not sure what happend.

    8:51-metcon. used 209#. i loved the burpee clean wall balls. i hate wallballs and burpees so i was surprised at how much i like these.

    awesome job 10:00. that was a huge bunch! everyone did great. hope ya'll have a great weekend.
  11. Danielle Ostronic Says:
  12. Pushups 1 rm @ 24.5. Did 5 @ 20 then no more :(
    8:34 rx'd on metcon. I liked this one. The weight felt heavy and really liked the med ball burpee things.
  13. Mark Says:
  14. Had to work this morning but this one looks interesting so I will have to make this up on Monday perhaps.
  15. Addi Says:
  16. Pushup 1RM - 55#
    47# for 3x5 - got the first 5, then 4, then 3. Still, I'm happy - pushups have come a long way.

    Metcon - don't remember my time. 5:47 is in my head, but I have no idea if that's even close. Scaled to 198#, because I was tired and cranky and sore, and I didn't want to throw a fit. Mission accomplished - loved the burpee clean wallballs. Didn't push too hard, but it felt good.
  17. Becky Says:
  18. Love the new website!

    Had 52# for 1RM pusup, hopefully it was legit. Did 4, then 5 and 5 with 43...I think.
    Did 6:25 with 202# on the metcon. I actually liked the medball clean burpee things. Surprisingly.
    Great job to the smaller 9am. Awesome group this morning!
  19. Gina Says:
  20. Push ups 1RM- 44#
    3x5 completed with 38#, first set was hard, but seemed to get easier after that.

    Metcon- 7:54, 186# DL's
  21. GregP Says:
  22. #64 on Pushups, then did 5s with 54

    #186 on DL, 7:11

    Great work 8am!
  23. hannah eileen Says:
  24. #33 on pushups. I could not manage to get more than 1 on the x5x3. Holy crap, it's like my body just gave up...
    5:19 on metcon. it felt great. I love clean wallballs! The burpee part hurt a little.
    Great job 8am! It was fun to see some of the morning people again. It's been a while.

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