Sunday 100110

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Snatch 70% x 2 x 5
Front Squat 80% x 3 x 5
Snatch Pull 95% x 2 x 3
Jerk (split) - max for day; 90% of that x 1 x 3

Those with technique limitations on the snatch, meaning you are stronger than your technique will allow, may go a little heavier than 95% for the snatch pull. If you don't know what your front squat 1RM is, take between 65 and 70% of back squat. (workout courtesy of Catalyst Athletics/thanks Greg E.)

Post weights used and experience to comments.

Dave LeClaire out in Florida training with CrossFit Ft. Walton Beach for the day. Read his comment on yesterday's post to see all they did. He spoke very highly of them.

The gym will be available for open gym today at 2PM. Hope you can make it out.

Damian will be participating in his first wrestling tournament this morning at Millard West High School. Some of you already know that he has been wrestling as he has probably told you a thousand times. Help me wish him the best of luck as he takes the mat for the first time.

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7 Responses to "Sunday 100110"

  1. Gdawg Says:
  3. BigD Says:
  4. Good luck Damian! Kick some butt!
  5. Courtney B Says:
  6. Good Luck Damian!!!
  7. paul Says:
  8. Following in his father's footsteps, eh? Good luck to the little man!
  9. Eric C Says:
  10. Good luck Damian! Have fun!!!
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. Starting two on/ one off schedule...

    Tall Snatch - 3X2- light
    Power Snatch plus OH Squat
    4X3 - 70% Max 88, 110, 132, 154...

    Re-Tested the 2008 Games WOD...
    Deadlift 275# X5
    Burpees with Clap OH X10
    5 Rounds... Old PR 3:32
    NEW TIME - 3:25... DL felt heavy :(

    J VanBeek
  13. BC Says:
  14. snatch - 88
    front squat - 198
    snatch pull - 130
    split jerk - 132

    Snatches were light but felt pretty; front squat was about 78% of my back squat 1rm and felt real good; snatch pull really illustrated how bad my snatch form is; split jerk was light, my shoulder is a little jacked up and I was just fried from everything else. Great barbell Sunday, nice job everyone.

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